

2023.01.07 [Q&A] 出离恐惧/出離恐懼

2023.01.28 [Q&A] 转化欲的炼丹师/轉化欲的煉丹師

2023.02.04 [Q&A] 从注意力和动机 明了无为/從注意力和動機 明瞭無為 

2023.02.11 [Q&A] 解脱门中的角色挪移/解脫門中的角色挪移

2023.02.18 [Q&A] 如何浸泡在禅(禪)悦中 

2023.02.25 [Q&A] 诸行渐次远离/諸行漸次遠離

 2023.03.04 [Q&A] 甚麽是活在当下/甚麼是活在當下

2023.03.11 [Q&A] 念住中练习禅那/念住中練習禪那

《增支部8.63》: “『我將住於在身上隨觀著身:熱心的、正知的、有念的,調伏世間中的貪婪、憂後。』比丘!應該被你這麼學。





023.03.18 [Q&A] 欲的升华与心行休息/欲的昇華與心行休息

2023.03.25 [Q&A] 单纯的八正道/單純的八正道


2023.04.01 [Q&A] 阿难(難) 我多行空

2023.04.08 [Q&A] 三善寻的内在逻辑/三善尋的內在邏輯

2023.04.15 [Q&A] 於 诸识 灭而不增/於 諸識 滅而不增

2023.04.22 [Q&A] 九次第定的内在逻辑/九次第定的內在邏輯

2023.04.29 [Q&A] 无色境中观察心行/無色境中觀察心行

2023.05.06 [Q&A] 动静相依的身体/動靜相依的身體

2023.05.13 [Q&A] 投影机 与 法念住/投影機 與 法念住

2023.05.20 [Q&A] 宽坦质直 心念住/寬坦質直 心念住

2023.05.27 [Q&A] 不费心耗神的快乐(樂)─受念住

2023.06.03 [Q&A] 距离感孳生渴爱/距離感孳生渴愛

2023.06.10 [Q&A] 颠覆主从的止观/顛覆主從的止觀 

How is it veiled? The turning of attention to what seems outside (objectifying happiness), the ignorance of the true source of happiness, and that of the fleeting nature of external happiness/fabricated happiness

2023.06.17 [Q&A] 心外无物/心外無物

2023.06.24 [Q&A] 超越非我和真我 


2023.07.01 [Q&A] 打到痛处的非我观/打到痛處的非我觀

2023.07.08 [Q&A] 明心

2023.07.15 [Q&A] 即刻脫苦的技巧

 2023.07.22 [Q&A] 終极(極)包袱──我慢

2023.07.29 [Q&A] 渐次达至无为/漸次達至無為

2023.08.05 [Q&A] 空─毒药或解药/空─毒藥或解藥

2023.08.12 [Q&A] 空──注意力的销(銷)融

2023.08.19 [Q&A] 不死境:未呈显之识/不死境:未呈顯之識

2023.08.26 [Q&A] 禅(禪)那的身心內容

2023.09.02 [Q&A] 念住 禪那 趨向無為(例一)

2023.09.09 [Q&A] 念住 禪那趨向無為(例二)

2023.09.16 [Q&A] 未曾出生 未曾流浪

2023.09.23 [Q&A] 念住 是如此产(產)生定力

2023.09.30 [Q&A] 无(無)色界 是 看待觉(覺)知 的 取角


2023.10.07 [Q&A] 在家人的离(離)欲之道

2023.10.14 [Q&A] 与解脱道相应的慈心/與解脫道相應的慈心

2023.10.21 [Q&A] 会(會)被遗(遺)忘的 和 不被遗忘的 修行

2023.10.28 [Q&A] 受念住 与(與) 食

2023.11.04 [Q&A] 忆念涅盘 受用涅盘/憶念涅槃 受用涅槃

2023.11.11 [Q&A] 无(無)常丶苦丶非我─逼迫想

The dilemma of pulmonary hydrops

Helping a codependent to break free from her oppressor, forcing her apart doesn't work; gaining a new perspective might

That which we identify as self is our oppressor anicca, dukkha, anatta is about that new perspective

Anatta is not based on a philosophical justification, but on entering a new relationship; in the same way that breaking free from one's oppressor is not due to philosophical reductionism

That new perspective is not just directed at wealth/fame...but also at subtle objects such as a religious experience? This is why Buddhism talks  of the aggregates and the faculties

In the end, does this new perspective merely instill another idea? Or does it uproot conceit?

If conceit is not uprooted right away, is it at least questioned, recognized, shaken up...?

Does this new perspective help with seclusion? With more firmly establishing oneself in a better perching ground, such as contentment, awareness...? With more dispassion/disinterest with regards to the bother? With more peace from not fastening to sth?

2023.11.18 [Q&A] 身念住 与 空无边/身念住 與 空無邊

2023.11.25 [Q&A] 我与非我─做自己/我與非我─做自己

2023.12.02 [Q&A] 我 与 不动/我 與 不動

2023.12.09 [Q&A] 禅那的极简易说明/禪那的極簡易說明

2023.12.16 [Q&A] 我是觉知 的 导引/我是覺知 的 導引

2023.12.23 [Q&A] 心念的发动─无明缘行/心念的發動─無明緣行

2023.12.30 [Q&A] 别被念头(頭)拐走