Humanadyne Medical - Section 45

Medical Section (1 hex = 1.5 meters)

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Doctor's Office

These buildings are two stories tall and house the offices of 5-6 Doctors. A wide range of General practioners and family specialists do business here. They serve the day to day medical needs of the station's inhabitants. More serious illnesses or injuries are taken to the Hospital section.

Reception Area

This area contains the reception desk and an area for patients to wait for the doctors. All patients must check in at the desk before they can see a physician.


This is the doctor's private office. He does patient consultation's here and some records are stored in this room. It is attached to one of the examining rooms so that the doctor can rest or complete files between patients.

Examination Room

This room contains a basic examination table and sink.

Treatment Room

This room is used to treat more serious illnesses or injuries. There is a static automed here as well as a workstation for patient diagnosis and treatment.

X-Ray Room

This two part room contains the x-ray control panels and behind a sheilded wall, a combination x-ray bed/cat scanner/MRI


This large life allows patients to be moved to the second floor without travelling up the stairs.

Storage Room

This room contains various medical supplies for the office. It is always locked and it requires a code key to open the door. Only the Doctors and head nurse can open this door. There is a limited supply of pharmacuticals here.


Need I say more?

Aseop's Table

This is a small Greek restraunt that serves the medical offices of this section. Always packed at the local lunch hour by medical staff and patients, Aseop's table specializes in gyro sandwiches and other "fast" Greek food. A delivery staff of 6 people also deliver's food to the three surrounding sections and if the restraunt is not too busy it will also deliver to any part of the station.

Uncle Chang's Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

One of the most unexpected spots on the station, Uncle Chang's office is a combination Acupuncture clinic and Chinese Herb shoppe. Almost any Chinese herbal remedy can be purchased in the apocathery and if Uncle Chang doesn't have it, he can find it for you.

Reception Area

This area contains the reception desk and an area for patients to wait for Uncle Chang . All patients must check in at the desk before they can see their favorite Uncle.


This area is dominated by the display counter and the high shelves behind and to the sides of the counter. All sorts of Chinese herbs and tradtional medicine items can be purchased here.


Need an explanation?

Treatment Room

These rooms contain a table for the patient to rest on during treatment and a few supplies are also stored here.

Storage Room

This room acts as a storage room and break room for Uncle Chang. If he isn't with a patient, he will probably be in this cluttered store room.

Robard's Pharmacy

This small pharmacy carries a good supply of over the counter medicinal supplies on its shelves and is also capable of filling an prescription written by a Doctor.

Communication Center

This small building houses several public communication and compter terminals. Any communication, video calls or email, can be sent from here. The stations allow the operator to contact the planet's surface, any location within the station, or any spacecraft docked with the station. Each booth is private and can be locked from the interior.


These areas are smooth, well marked walking paths which connect all portions of this section and continue on into the connection sections. Pretty much an average path.

Garden Areas

These areas contain special grasses adapted to growing in an artificial environment such the station. Low bushes and shrubs also tend to mark the boundaries of the park areas. These areas are small and intended to break up the landscape of this section. They should be a soothing retreat for any visitor to this section of La Salle Station.