Issue 10

Tirania (Tirane)

In a suprise development the ONI has named Bigadier Winifred Bambera as Commander In Chief of the newly constituted International Brigade.

Tnazanian and Malawian troops from the International Brigade are currently conducting operations in the Southern Rain Forests of New Africa, BCV4.

Brigadier Bambera was discharged from the British army last year after she publically attacked recruitment policies particularly those of the officer corp. She is quoted as saying that if Great Britain continued to recruit its officers from a pool of 'stuck up inbred bunch of toffs we're going to have our heads kicked in.' She is also reported to have said 'We're still Lions and they're still donkeys.'

The UK MOD has offered no comment on this appointment.

(Claude Ondiki reporting for Habari Kinshasa.)

Tirania City, Tirania(Alpha Centauri)

"If the seawall isn't fixed, rising sea levels as a result of the coming Grand Summer will flood downtown and shut down the port,"" said Art Gillespie, Mayor of Tirania City. While most of the city is built on hills overlooking the port facing Tirania's western coast, the downtown area and Tirania's largest port are on a narrow strip of lowland that is known to flood during grandsummers. While the seawall was built during a grandwinter, it was intended to protect the city against infrequent hurricanes that hammer the Tiranian Coast. However, when coupled with rising sea levels during grandsummers, the wall was found to be inadequate to protect the city if a hurricane should occur during one. Governor Jason Legaspi, speaking from the capital at Free Haven, said, ""As we are negotiating our eventual independence from America, we should look to our own resources to meet any threat, natural or otherwise."" With that, he approved a Request For Proposal to any company operating in Tirania or Tirane in general for improvements to Tirania City's seawall. The American Extrasolar Colonization Administration representative, LeShondra Harris, has begun blocking the RFP. ""Under the current colonial charter only American companies and those having offices in Tirania should be allowed to bid,"" she commented from her office in Free Haven. So far, only the Tirania Marine Construction and Texas' AusCo have made bids. If the AECA is successful in blocking non-American and non-Tiranian firms from bidding, AusCo would still be allowed to bid, as it's main Tirane office is in Free Haven. Arleene Tran, the local AusCo manager, had no comment on either their bid or the AECA's legal efforts, saying ""However it gets done really makes no difference, just so long as somebody raises the seawall at Tirania City before a hurricane comes.""" (Darcee Shea-Fong)

New Camelot, Wellon (Alpha Centauri)

With the final results in from the annual elections it is now becoming apparent that the former British Colony is due for another change of government.

With a ten percent swing to the Social Alliance party it now looks likely that Prime Minister Diana Trantham- Ord's Liberal Democrat/Union Party coaltion government will have to stand down unless they can engineer an agreement with one of the other miniority parties.

This seems unlikely as both the Tirane Party and the Progressives manifestos contain policy commitments which clash with those of the Liberal Democrats and the Union Party.

It is expected that before the end of the week PM Trantham- Ord will request an interview with the Govenor General Princess Margaret and formerly tender her resignation. The new government will almost certainly be a Social Alliance adminsitration under George Nagy probably in coalition with the Progressives.


London, United Kingdom (Sol)

The Cricket World Cup moved into its final stages today with the long anticipated semi-final confrontation between the West Indies and the Azanian colony of Tundukubwa.

Tundukubwa, winners of last years Tri-Nation cup on Tirane started poorly losing their first four wickets for twenty runs. However a fifth wicket stand between all rounder Nelson de Witt and the wicket keeper Peter Nakomo added over a hundred and fifty runs before de Witt was run out in spectacular fashion.

In reply to Tundukubwa's final total of 202 all out in 47 overs the Windies seemed to be coasting to victory at 150 for 2 when Tundukubwa's captain, Abel Sithole took a hattrick which ripped out the heart of the Windies batting order. They were eventually all out for 189.

In Saturday's final Tundukubwa will face Bengal, the surprise package of this World Cup who defeated the much fancied New Zealand side in an exciting match at Headingly yesterday.

New Anchorage, Tirania(Alpha Centauri)

The Chilean human rights organization Derechos para Todos today decried the condition of the Tirania Correctional Center(TCC). Citing the TCC's lack of

central heating and grueling work schedule, DT has rated it the worst prison in the Core. ""There's no reason these people must be subjected to such conditions. How many will die come the next grandwinter?"" Situated thirty kilometers from New Anchorage, the TCC has become the focus of several investigations, most notably regarding cold-related injuries. Kevin Sandoval, the facility's administrator, has dismissed the DT's charges, saying ""We are in compliance with all Federal and local regulations regarding prison operations. Besides, if you can't take the time, don't do the crime."" Members of the Tiranian press were given a tour of the facility, and while there was no central heating available to the cellblocks, each cell was heated by a small space heater built into the walls, and hot water lines ran through the ceilings of most cells. Inmates were seen wearing warm clothing, and

each of their bunks had at least two blankets each. ""As you see, we're not running a dungeon down here. However, our 'guests' shouldn't expect a Saint Tyraine resort here, either."" The TCC is intended for violent and repeat offenders, as first-time non-violent felons are incarcerated at Tirania's twenty county jails. (Barry Mikeska, Free Haven Courier)

Gateway Station (Sol)

There are several well known instants where entire naval fleets became obselete overnight, many have said that the American ""Kennedy"" class is just such a ship. Many observers agree that the Kennedy could only be defeated from within as it could outrun all current missiles in naval service (NB So can the French Suffren and Tourville classes and the British Nelson class with all but the Ritage-2, see article v212/82/93 ""Ritage-2 proliferation in the face of the Kafer threat"").

It appears that America monopoly on fast cruisers is at an end. The new French Cruiser ""Avengeur"" was tracked at warp speeds of approximately 4.8, equal to the Kennedy.

More worryingly for American naval command is that the Avengeur is far more heavily armed, armoured to Suffren standards and has a strong shield array. This combined with the fact that French ship production outpaces American 5:2 puts serious doubts on Americas continued ability to maintain a lead in ships of this class.

America, rated the weakest of the 4 Great Powers (France, Britain, Germany and America) has traditionally stayed out of the space naval arms race that was a relatively friendly affair between the big 3 until German Unification. The following arms race between France and Germany has seriously destabilised the Great Power system allowing America freedom of action. Although America is now certainly a major space naval power it seems that their relative position is falling as the far more industrialised European nations move to war economies.

(American Strategic Studies News, March 2302)

Gateway Station (Sol)

Guerlain Publishing, famous for it's 'Colonial Militia Handbook', announced pre-tax profits of Lv12,000,000 today in spite of the 'La Rochelle' incident last November. Regular readers will recall Henri Joublain's failed attempt at the theft of arms from the La Rochelle militia depot which 17 people dead using information gleaned from Guerlain's France:02 version of the Libre del Monde. It was thought that the tragedy would reduce the company's stock price for this year but it appears it's use for off-world militia against the Kafer threat has secured it's future in media. (Steff. J. Worthington reporting for Newsource)

Nuevo Angeles, (Kwantung)

Pedro Morales de Garcia, pitcher for the Nuevo Guadalajara Aquilas(Eagles), was found dead today at the Hotel Primero. Morales was expected to play against the Nuevo Angeles Tigres in the Liga Estrella(Stellar League) Serie Primero(Premier Series) at the stadium later in the week, but Liga officials have chosen to postpone the series until the following month.

Esteban Torres Rojas, Nuevo Angeles' police spokesman, has declined to give any details regarding Morales' death, saying simply,""The highest-paid player in Liga Estrella has met an untimely end, one the coroner believes to be related to his lifestyle."" When questioned further, Jefe Torres answered, ""There was a bottle of Kwantung Ron and a empty vial of sleeping pills on the nightstand next to his bed. While reports of his piety and sobriety have filtered in from his homeworld of Montana, it would appear that his first off-world baseball experience has brought out his darker side."" Aquilas General Manager Juan Martinez Arroyo had no comment, other than, ""if the Tigres think that the loss of our star pitcher will deter us from winning the Serie, they must be drinking far too much Kwantung Ron!"" Tigres management were unavailable for comment.

(Josefina Aquino de la Huerta, from Deportivos Coloniales magazine)

La Salle Station(Tau Ceti)

Despite recent setbacks in the certification of the Cabeza De Vaca class survey ship, AusCo has unveiled its latest small ship design. The new Generic Hull Design #2 is a small, surface to orbit capable starship. The first versions production version shown to industry customers was the "Condor" passenger version. The "Condor" can carry up to 16 passengers in relative comfort. Its 4 week fuel supply gives it adequate range to reach most worlds quickly. The cargo only version, the "Albatross" will be unveiled later in the month.

Industry analysists have voiced their approval of this new line of starships. Charles Dunn of Boeing Aerospace had this to say: "This series of ships will help take business away from the aging "Thorez" class couriers. The entire industry is impressed by this design." (Dean Lindner, Aerospace Monthly)

Fort Patton(Ellis)

C Troop, 2/11th ACR received orders today to deploy to Aurore today as part of Operation Determined Will, a redeployment plan of some Army assets to the French arm to assist in pacification efforts against the Kafers there. The cavalry troop will be attached to the 8th Marines upon arrival on Aurore. When questioned about the recent development, LTG Paxton replied ""Well, I only found out 48 hrs before you did...orders are straight from Reston."" When asked if more forces would be departing from Ellis, LTG Paxton simply replied, ""No comment"". The 11th ACR's commander, Colonel Alex Roth when asked what he thought about all this, said simply, ""Well, about time the Marines invited us to the damn war. Maybe the Blackhorse can win it for them."" In a related story, another Troop from the 116th ACR of the Oklahoma National Guard is being called up to be sent to Ellis to replace C Troop.

(Ellis News Service)

Grey Hill (Hermes)

Chandler University scientists have determined that the same means of passive terraforming currenly warming up the Australian colony world of Kingsland (Zeta Herculis) can also be effective for Hermes as well. Kingslandic lifeforms have been found to live happily in Hermes's biosphere, and could therefore survive on the icepacks surrounding this world. ""I was amazed at the compatibility results,"" said Catherine Arnold-Chang of the Environmental Engineering

department. ""With this knowledge, as well as the greenhouse gasses our industry is producing, the Hermes Territorial government should start thinking about how best to go about this thawing. A two-degree celsius rise in overall temperatures might make our agriculture become more productive, and improve our economic position in the American

Arm."" Ellisian efforts to divert AECA funds to its irrigation system, however, may prevent further study on Hermetian terraforming. Ellisian Governor Karen Weber, speaking from a all-Arm summit at Burgess, said ""While it is commendable that the people of Hermes wish to improve their self-sufficiency, why mess with a good thing? Ellis depends on Hermes'

heavy industry, and Hermes on our agriculture, and both of us depend on Botany Bay's light industry. There's a good relationship there that all of us in this Arm benefit by."" Malcom Durran, Hermes' AECA-appointed territorial governor, had no comment to either the Chandler University report or Governor Weber's statement, saying "We will do what

is best for Hermes." (Derek Cohen, Grey Hill Mercury)