
Welcome to the La Salle Station Engingeering section. Here you will find the technical specifications for the station. If you are interested in contributing material please read carefully, then contact the leasing deparment at


La Salle station is typical of orbital habitats found in many systems. Conceived of and built by the Austin Colonization Company's (AusCo) Aerospace Division, La Salle Station's main habitat area is a large ring 100 meters in diameter.

Side View of Station

lss.gif (7193 bytes)

The station's rotating structure is 20 metres thick.

The top and bottom edges of this structure are 1.5m thick and contain 30 cm of insolation reflectors, micrometeorite armour protection and heat

insulating materials. The rest of this space (120cm) is occupied by

crawl-ways, piping and cabling conduits, along with the necessary

space-frame of composite materials to provide strength to the overall


All fresh supplies of liquid are transported around the inner edge to each

zone of the station, and ultimately end up as waste in the outer edge.

Sewerage is pumped up and reprocessed in two of the eight spokes that

connect the rotating structure to the rest of the station, while the other

six spokes contain pumping stations and radiators for the necessary

heat-management of the overall structure.

Within the rotating structure a 1 metre central airtight bulkhead divides

the space into two sections, an upper section and a lower section, both 8 metres in height. Further one metre transverse bulkheads break each section up into 24 zones. Zones 1 to 24 are in the lower section, and zones 25-48 are in the upper. (Andy Goddard 1998)


Sections are 70 meters by 65 meters square (sections 1-24) , 70 meters x 60 meters (sections 25-48) and 8 meters tall.

Standard accomodation areas can have three storeys, each of 2.66m (8 feet 7inches) in height, although higher rating accomodation and commercial zones usually only have two storeys. (Andy Goddard 1998)

Gardens and most plants are acceptable. Large trees are still out till someone convinces me the ceilings are much higher.

Movement Between Sections

The only place where passage can occur between the lower and upper sections is at each of the eight spoke assemblies, where lifts and escalators are provided to allow travel through (the normally open) airlocks. In the event of a hull breach, any zone or group of zones can be isolated from any other. Most zones contain cramped "safe houses": these are small airtight bunkers where people can safely stay until leaks and facilities are returned to normal.

Please remember that certain sections contain elevators. These will be located in the center of that section. They take up a 10 x 10 meter square in the center of the section. Andy Goddard has designed the floor plans for these spoke footprints, so take a look if you chose a spoke section.

One last note, there will be a raised transportation system that will take up space in the outer ring sections. If you chose and outer ring section, please look here to see what Mr. Goddard has designed for us.


Leases will be granted for full sections to those who wish to take the time to design them. At this point, requesting a section or sections will place the following requirements upon you:

Floorplan of the Section. Floorplans of individual buildings are not required, but would be a bonus.

NPC's for your sections. Names and titles are required, full character sheets and stats would be nice.

If you feel that an entire section is beyond you, feel free to contact me about doing a single business/building/NPC. All contributions are welcomed.

Files Required for Mapping


This is a file for a sheet of hex paper. The this grid should be used to map inner ring sections that are not spoke sections.


This is a file for a sheet of hex paper. The scale of the grid makes it very useful for mapping out individual buildings withing La Salle Station. If you have taken an outer ring section, use this file. It already has the spoke section mapped.


This file is to be used for the outer ring sections that are not spoke sections. The travellator landing is still there, but it lacks lifts like the spoke sections.