A Plethora of Passengers

This is a resource designed for use with Sci Fi RPG's involving, generally, starship travel, although it can easily be adapted to other purposes. It has no one particular game system in mind, and most likely there is no one game that would be compatible with the whole list as written- feel free to adjust as needed.

Below are over 240 different situations, attributes, idiosyncrasies, problems, and events concerning passengers. These are not "plots", although a game master could easily develop plots out of some of them, nor are they detailed NPC's- the game master can create NPC's to go along with them as needed. Rather, they are here to provide extra game detail and color to make a richer environment- you are on a starship, who are the other passengers? Perhaps the players are the crew, and the GM wants to say something more than "you have twenty passengers". Or, now that you have survived, who else made it to the lifeboat? This is to help the GM add such on the spot details. Rather than saying "there are twenty passengers on the shuttles, the GM can say "There are about twenty passengers on the shuttle. One is a screaming child, and another is a rather portly individual who is having trouble getting the seat harness to secure."

To create a group of passengers, merely peruse the lists for a few interesting additions to the complement of monotonous drones. Or, roll for random results, using a 3d10 to generate a number from 000-999. For added fun, give a few passengers multiple attributes. "Famous entertainer gets stuck while using space toilet" or "Wealthy investor's exotic pet is allergic to something" are the kind of events that make for truly memorable voyages.


000 A passenger insists on singing almost continuously. This may be a professional singer who needs to keep in practice (or at least believes there is a need to), or an amateur who just really likes the sound of his/her own singing.

001-005 A slightly off the deep end artist, prone to surges of emotion (of all types). The artist is "deeply passionate’ about just about everything, loudly condemning things that displease while gushing with flowery praise for positive things. Prone to sudden and uncontrollable fits of creative inspiration, the artist will start and stop work on a project at any time. This could be a book or musical composition, or visual art, or, for artists with mediums that cannot be expressed aboard a ship, the artist will rely on notes and planning sketches. When working, the artist is totally absorbed, and nothing is a worthy interruption.

006 As 001-005 above, but somehow the artist has locked on to a PC (or important NPC) as a vital "inspiration" to his/her work. The Artist will follow that persons around, trying to understand and "capture" that person’s feelings and "vital essence". This can be flattering, highly annoying, or both.

007 As 006 Above, but the Artist is exceptionally erratic, making great demands on the character, and going off into emotional tirades if thwarted. The Artist is also at least fairly well known-if not in general culture, than within the circles of the art world.

008-009 As 001-005 above, but the Artist directly uses the events of the voyage, or a story told during the voyage by a PC, as the theme for a major work. In the case of music, this might be just a matter of inspiration, such as music composed to evoke the feelings of a voyage, but in the case of a novel, play, or even a ballet could be a direct retelling of a story, event, or the whole voyage. There is no guarantee of the quality of this work or its eventual fame. In any event, this won’t be apparent until the work is completed long after the voyage. No credit is ever given other than perhaps a later explanation about how certain events served to "inspire" the artist. Nothing will accrue to the players other than possibly, later in life, knowing that they were part (or all of) the inspiration of a possibly well known work of art.

010 As 008-009 above, but the Artist openly seeks the collaboration of a PC. If the artist is wealthy and well known, some compensation may be offered.

011-013 A very Secretive passenger (passengers) who locks the door to his/her/their cabin and isn’t seen again for the duration of the voyage. Lacking cabins, this passenger(s) will do everything possible to avoid contact with other people during the voyage.

014-020 The Passenger is a complete and utter slob and will make a pigsty of his/her quarters. This sort of thing will also annoy the crew and other passengers as "public" spaces are left a mess.

021-022 The passenger is compulsively neat. This would be almost unnoticeable and totally benign, if it wasn’t for the fact that this compulsion extends to areas other than those belonging to the passenger.

023-030 A passenger has brought along an unruly and precocious child, and exercises a grossly insufficient level of parental control.

031 A passenger brings along a precocious child, exercises insufficient parental control, and regretfully reports, at an inconvenient time, that the child has gone missing.

032-035 A passenger has brought along an infant, and therefore requires special considerations. The infant, naturally, will perform its bodily functions when least convenient for everyone else.

036 As 032-035 above, but this in one of those especially noisy colicky babies that spends half the trip crying loudly.

037-039 A single passenger arrives with more than one small child, at least one more than he or she can possibly maintain control over, and beseeches the PC’s for assistance.

040-042 As 023-030 above, but this child is motivated more by honest curiosity, and seeks to learn everything about the ship and fellow passengers that is possibly learnable.

043-044 As 023-030 above, but this child is one of those who is quiet and unassuming but just has a weird way of being "there" all the time.

045 A troubled child, or one getting insufficient attention from parents, turns to a PC to escape loneliness.

046-047 A child passenger develops a fascination with a PC.

048-052 A feud develops between elements of a single passenger family group. This may be a married couple experiencing a more dramatic moment, maybe even two newlyweds discovering things about each other that were best left undiscovered, or a larger family which splits into opposite sides over some terribly divisive issue. Either way they are bound to drag others into it, seeking morale support, "backup", or maybe a change in cabin assignments.

053-054 A married couple has loud and quite public fights, hurling all sorts of verbal abuse at each other and occassionally involving innocent bystanders: "Loretta, any of these people can see you’re behaving like an idiot. You, would you tell my wife she’s behaving like an idiot?" But, that’s just they way these folks are- this seems to be how they communicate.

055-057 A passenger is a serious busybody/gossipmonger/ amateur matchmaker, who just can’t help but pry into, interfere in, and attempt to manage the private lives of other passengers and crew.

058-064 A passenger is travelling with one or more pets. These pets are much too valuable (monetarily or sentimentally) or too fragile to be treated as cargo, and must travel with the passenger. The passenger is used to making arrangements for the animal(s), although at times this creates minor headaches for other passengers or crew. The animal may be a service animal (see 062-066 below) but in this case it is travelling with a handler/trainer/transporter, not its assigned dependent individual. There is a chance of severe misbehavior: naughty animal.

065-068 A passenger is accompanied by an animal that is not a pet, but a "service animal" such as a guide dog for the blind. The animal is most likely a dog, although pigs, monkeys, and even miniature horses have been used in assistance rolls.

069-070 Similar to 058-064 above, but the animal is not one ordinarily domesticated, it is a wild animal getting very special treatment for some reason- it may be among the last of a dying species, for example, and is being moved to a preserve in an attempt to save the species, it may be an important zoological specimen, it may belong to someone rich and eccentric, etc.

071-072 Similar to 058-064 above, or possibly 069-070, but in this case the animal is an "animal celebrity" of some sort, possibly a highly trained performing animal, an animal known as a mascot for an organization, an animal that has appeared in shows, etc.

073-082 A passenger is a celebrity who thrives on attention and publicity. This person will make his presence known to everyone, and bask in the adulation. Attention to image will be important- this passenger will rarely be caught unprepared for a camera.

083-092 A passenger is a celebrity, but despises public attention and is trying to travel incognito, or at least, quietly. This person will become irate if attention is drawn.

093-097 A passenger has a drug or alcohol problem. This person will be sober and unaffected when boarding, but will proceed to become thoroughly "impaired" during the voyage.

098-100 Similar to 091-097 above, but this passenger will be obviously "under the influence" right from the start.


100-108 This particular passenger is exceptionally attractive to the point of being a substantial distraction (generally to adults of the opposite sex, but there are other cases) to both passengers and crew.

109-113 Similar to 101-108 above, but in this case the passenger in question makes full use of this quality to gain special attention/favors/assistance from crew or even other passengers.

113-119 This passenger is a not too well known, not too successful entertainer of some sort, and would like to use his/her skills in some sort of working passage arrangement to defray some or all of the costs of travel.

120-124 This passenger is a known, celebrity entertainer who would like to use his/her skills in some sort of working passage arrangement to defray some or all of the costs of travel. In this case it is possible that the shipping line approached the passenger for this arrangement, not the other way around.

125-130 The passenger is an entertainer, not interested in working passage, but doesn’t mind performing a bit for an audience during the voyage because he/she likes performing. (and if the entertainer is an unknown, the publicity can’t hurt)

131-134 One of the passengers has lost something small and very valuable, and insists on a through search for it- wherever it may be.

135-140 An Auditor, or Inspector, Agent, or other representative of Authority is travelling on the voyage. This could be a government inspector, or perhaps an accountant here to review the books, or an agent from the ship’s insurance company or safety director, whatever. Maybe the legal department has decided to monitor compliance with labor laws. Could be an inspector with a very limited scope, like a Health Inspector here to check the galley.

141-144 Same as 135-140 Above, but the Auditor/Inspector/Field Agent is being discrete.

145-150 One passenger just can’t help but seem overly suspicious about the other passengers. This person simply can’t help but closely observe and then report on the doings of other passengers. Of course, if any of the other passengers really are up to know good, this person might be not paranoid, but accurate. Or both.

      1. Similar to 145-150 Above, but in this case the amateur sleuth is fixed on one individual.

153-160 A rich and shameless individual who exploits his/her wealth ceaselessly, demonstrating a total disregard for the feelings and dignity of those of lesser status. This egotistical person is convinced the rest of the universe exists but to serve his needs. He or she is especially rough on working people of all sorts, demeaning them frequently. A very miserly tipper.

161-164 Similar to 153-160 above, but this individual is more an abuser of inanimate objects than people. This is a spoiled and destructive person who might be quite damaging to his or her quarters, and sees it just as another expense.

165-168 A traveler with a genuine mental problem, but functional in the normal world. Most commonly, this will be noted as mild retardation. Other cognitive disorders are possible. The person could be autistic, or schizophrenic. The game master should do a little checking into common psychological disorders. (what the heck, check out the UN common ones too) and choose an interesting one.

169-170 This person has minor mental disorders but needs some sort of special accommodation by the ship. For example, the trip may have been booked by a family member, who warned "She’s OK unless you put her in a yellow room, then she freaks out." In a more advanced case, a traveller may require that special furnishings or food be brought aboard.

171-173 A genuine Psycho. This person has extreme problems interpreting reality, and is unable to make the journey without an escort, medical attention, or special equipment,

174-175 Similar to 171-173 above, this person relies on medication to control occasional psychotic episodes. Its too bad that due to a small oversight, the medication was left behind. It is possible that person will try to get assistance as soon as possible, but on the other hand, he or she may be ashamed, unaware, overly optimistic, stubborn, or maybe just nuts, and might attempt to "get through" the voyage without the medicine.

176 An elderly individual with Alzheimer’s suddenly can’t remember where he/she is, why he/she is on a ship, or just about anything since the start of the voyage.

177-185 Some sort of organization is, for some reason or other, sending a group of young people (generally teenagers) on a voyage with a few overworked and outnumbered chaperones.

186-195 A rather intelligent an capable child (preteen or teenager) is travelling alone.

196-199 A child on board with parent/guardians gets separated and lost, and panics.


200 A passenger is fleeing a place where he has been intensively and wrongfully persecuted. This is similar to 205-206 below this is a passenger of some interest to the persecuting authority- he or she might have been a dissident, or posses information, or might have too closely associated with the wrong individuals. Whatever the case, this persons paranoia about encountering "agents of the regime" or mercenaries, or thugs, whatever, is justified.

201-203 Passengers board who are not violating any law by departing or travelling, but are intending to immigrate illegally at their point of destination. They will be quiet and careful not to break any rules, and they will be nervous, possible a bit paranoid towards security personnel.

204-206 One or more passengers is leaving a place where they have been intensely persecuted. They are in no danger now, but will be thoroughly paranoid about anyone or anything connected with that place. For example, a PC might belong to the same ethnic group as the people who persecuted them, causing the passengers to become unduly nervous around the PC.

207-211 One or more passengers belongs to the crew of another vessel. They are returning to or travelling from their ship on leave, or perhaps a temporary reassignment, or maybe they are recent hires or very recently retired.

212-213 A passenger claims to have recently left service on another ship and is travelling on this one. He/she will look for "working passage" if at all possible. In reality, this person was booted from the other ship for a good reason, and due to some circumstance, word just hasn’t gotten around yet.

214-215 Mild Kleptomaniac. This is the sort of person who feels compelled to swipe hotel towels, despite the extremely low cost of towels. He or she always abuses the "honor system" of things presented as a gratuity, and naturally goes hog wild on the most expensive items at any "all you can eat" buffet.

216-218 A rather intolerant individual who does not fabricate, but exaggerates the flaws of the people around him. If there is any sort of "problem" passenger around this person will complain loudly and demandingly.

219-223 A technical crew from the organization that built the ship is aboard. They are here to conduct tests, studies, surveys, "The standard 500 Light Year In Flight Tests" calibrations, etc.

224-225 Among the passengers is a skilled gourmet, either a professional chef or a capable amateur, who is rather disappointed in the abilities of the ship's galley, and decides to take over the kitchen.

226-235 One or more people wish to obtain a "working passage" arrangement, in which he or she works for the ship in exchange for travel. The person(s) has experience at pertinent tasks, and has skills of use to the operation of the ship. It may not be a ship-crew type career, for example, a doctor may volunteer services, or a cargo handling specialist.

236-237 As 226-235 above, but this person has a very good reputation amongst crews.

238-245 As 226-235 above, but the passengers lack real ship oriented skills. They wish to work, if possible, in some sort of position that they can put their limited talents to use, perhaps as stewards.

they have worked on ships before, as stewards, assisting

246-254 People looking for working passage. They have no skills or experience, but also no money and are desperate to travel and will do anything- anything, they're really motivated.

254-260 A professional wishes to barter services in return for part of his/her travel cost. This is not a true working passage, as these services might not be of use during the voyage. Examples include lawyers and accountants offering services, or perhaps a business consultant with known connections of interest to the ship's owners.

261-265 Among the passengers is a broadly experienced traveller- he or she has been up and down this region for years, and knows the ropes. A potential source of good advice.

266-275 Among the passengers is a regular traveller. He or she travels along this same route frequently, most likely as a result of occupation. Similar in ways to 261-265 above, but more focused, and not necessarily as experienced (this individual might have only recently started doing this). If pleased with the voyage, this individual will make this ship his or her regular means of transport if possible.

275-280 One or more passengers is fleeing, but not from a government. They are fugitives from an underworld group (or another non-governmental organization that has a frightening enforcement reputation). These passengers may or not be innocent themselves.

281-284 A passenger is fugitive travelling under false identity documents.

285-288 A fugitive without false identity documents wants travel, and is willing to pay extra for it, or provide favors, etc.

289-293 A passenger is a fugitive, without false identity documents, but from a place or nation where records are not kept, or exchanged with whatever security service screens travel documents for the ship

294 A passenger is a famous fugitive- fairly well known, but due to some technical reason (most likely, he is wanted for a crime in some place that lacks the needed extradition agreements, or perhaps its recognized by other nations that the charges against him are false- for example, an ex-minister wanted on trumped up charges by a revolutionary government that has recently overthrown the old government and keeps grudges.)

295-296 A passenger is a fugitive, but from another culture, and his/her actions are not recognized as crimes in the culture which has jurisdiction on the ship, nor is their any extradition.

297-299 The passenger is a fugitive, but a very recent one, and his identity has not yet been added to lists that would be screened. Or, some might have passed since the crime, but the passenger has never been identified as the suspect.


300-308 One of the passengers is a professional in the travel services industry. This person frequently arranges travel for others, as a corporate travel specialist, travel agent, etc, and will direct future business towards or away from this ship depending on his/her experiences aboard.

309-310 A person matching 300-308 above makes a rather blatant request of special favors or money in exchange for future business.

311-315 A passenger of non-standard body proportions (could be too large, or too small for something) gets hopelessly, embarrassingly stuck somewhere.

316-320 Among the passengers is a retired ship's engineer. He/She is very outgoing to the crew, and continuously bombards them with "In my day, when I was the drive engineer on the…" stories. A nuisance, but of possible value in an emergency.

321-330 There is a reported sighting of a rodent (or similar vermin) loose aboard the ship!

331-335 A passenger complains of strange sounds or odors. They are gone when investigated, with no obvious source.

336-340 A strange sect or cult holds the loyalties on one or more passengers. Although they are not hostile, they have habits that cause minor nuisances/disturbances or are at least curiosities. As examples, they might insist on not wearing shoes (or anything else), bathing, using technological devices, speaking aloud, or might gather in the ship's lounge to chant every evening. (Hari Krishnas in space!)

341-350 One or more passengers quite openly belongs to a socially deviant group the majority of passengers finds objectionable. This may be a difference in politics, lifestyle, morals, etc.

351-355 A passenger is a hard core advocate of his religion. He or she insists on lecturing other passengers about it, and has likely prepared for a long voyage with an arsenal of "handouts"- pamphlets, perhaps small copies of whatever holy book the religion refers to, maybe beads and trinkets, whatever.

356-357 As 351-355 Above, but this is apparently a very small religion with quite bizarre teachings. The passenger in question may well be the religion's founder, and possibly sole adherent.

358-361 A group of passengers are devoted religious followers, and they are on a journey with a religious purpose, a pilgrimage perhaps.

362 A lone passenger is making a journey which he or she believes is a specific Holy Task assigned from his or her Supreme Being. A mission from God, if you will.

363-367 A passenger, or perhaps several, belongs to the clergy of a large and established religion, and wears the attire typically associated with this position.

386-375 One or more passengers cannot speak any of the languages spoken by the ship's crew.

376-380 A group as per 368-375 above cannot speak any of the languages spoken by the ship's crew, with just one of these passengers being an exception: one can translate, but not well.

381-386 One or more passengers sends word prior to departure that he/she/they will be arriving late, and asks the ship to wait. The passenger(s) arrive up to a few hours after the scheduled departure time.

387-390 As per 381-386 above, but the passenger(s) didn't contact the ship- they just don't show up on time.

391-392 One or more passengers call in as per 381-386 above, but then call later to report that they will be unable to arrive at all.

393-395 One or more scheduled passengers simply never report to the ship.

396-399 For no apparent reason, an innocent passenger repeatedly trips the ship's security sensors.


400-401 The Crew receives very bad news for a passenger and must pass it on.

402-403 The Crew receives very good news for a passenger and must pass it on.

404-406 One passenger just can't seem to get the hang of what is where on the ship, and consistently turns up in the wrong place.

407-409 One passenger is just thrilled to bits by the feeling of weightlessness, and seeks to spend as much time as possible in a place where he or she can just float.

410-411 A passenger leaves a piece of luggage behind after departure.

412-415 A passenger's luggage/goods are damaged in handling.

416-418 During a short layover, a passenger does not return in timely fashion

419-420 During a short layover, cargo or luggage is unloaded that should not have been.

421-430 A passenger is extremely rich. He/she arranges beforehand to travel in grand style, wanting the very best accommodations, food, and services available, and is willing to pay for extravagance. If a ship has a reputation for treating passengers like this well, there will most likely be more of them, but if not, they will be fewer.

431-440 Similar to 421-430 above, but the passenger is a notable celebrity, VIP, well known corporate head, etc.

441-445 A passenger is aboard who is not rich but who is well known, possibly having recently been in the news.

446-450 A VIP, famous person, etc., as per 421-430 or 431-440 is aboard, and brings along one or more security personnel. The security detail is either annoyingly intrusive and paranoid or cold, stoic, and imposing.

451-453 A security specialist for a VIP (431-440 above) or other client insists on inspecting the ship before his/her client(s) board.

454-459 The passengers include one or more law enforcement personnel, travelling "off duty".

460-463 The passengers include one or a few law enforcement personnel, sort of like Sky Marshals, whose regualr duty is security aboard ships. They will usually, but not always, be travelling under cover.

464-465 The passengers include one or more law enforcement personnel of another nation, very much out of their turf, but travelling "off duty".

466-467 The passengers include law enforcement personnel escorting one or more prisoners

468 The passengers include foreign law enforcement personnel escorting a prisoner being extradited, or transferred, under official agreement.

469-470 An old ex-convict who has repaid his debt to society, or is otherwise no longer wanted by the Law. Full of hard earned wisdom, dirty secrets, and advice.

      1. A flim flam artist set on bilking passengers, and on rare occasion, crew.

473-478 There is an apparent problem with a passenger's identity. The problem is in the system and some faulty entries in the databases, though. There is nothing amiss about the passenger.

479-480 A passenger fails to return to the ship on time after a layover.

481-485 The passengers include one with a highly developed "sense of justice", who will not stand to see anyone abused/mistreated/mocked/cheated/humilated etc and will take immediate action to correct it.

486-490 On board is a professional thief, who will craftily relieve passengers of small and easily movable possessions.

491-499 There is a group of passengers who are very poor. Their transport is being paid for by an organization, or a government, or perhaps a corporation that is transporting workers to a new place of employment. Being poor, they may be very unfamiliar with what to expect aboard ship.


500-506 Somehow, a terrible administrative error has been made. The ship has been overbooked. Filled to capacity, it is discovered at the last minute that two passengers have been assigned the same berths.

507 The computer did a number on the manifest. There are numerous errors, people assigned the wrong berth, the same passenger given multiple listings, names and other information wrong, etc.

508-510 A member of the ship's crew has need to access a passenger space, sees something very embarrassing, and faces a passenger desperate to keep the story quiet.

511-519 A Chronic Complainer; nothing meets this person's standards.

520-529 A group of colonists/immigrants/emigrants heading out to settle a new home.

530-533 As 520-529 above, the group includes one member, most likely a teenager, who is passionately opposed to the move.

534-539 The passengers include a journalist.

540 As 534-539 Above, and the journalist is famous.

541-542 The passengers include paparazzi, who are trying to get close to celebrities who are/will be on board or will be in a location the ship is going to.

543-546 The passengers include a journalist to whom the voyage itself is an event to be covered. The story of the voyage, if there is nothing of "general public interest" newsworthiness, will appear as a travelogue, perhaps in a magazine/channel/web site devoted to travel of this kind.

547-551 A passenger is a diplomat

552 A passenger is an extremely high ranking diplomat, travelling with an entourage and possibly security personnel.

553-554 As 547-551 Above, but the diplomat is foreign.

555 As 552 Above, but the diplomat is foreign.

556 You've got a gaggle of diplomats, from different sides of the fence. Most likely they are travelling to the same place, for similar reasons, but might be on board just out of coincidence. In either case but especially the first case they use the ship as an expedient meeting forum.

557-560 Goods/luggage is found that belonged to a prior passenger.

561 Quite inexplicably, goods/luggage is found aboard that cannot be matched up with any current or prior passenger.

562-565 Among the passengers are one or more activists for some very heart-felt cause. They learn that in some obscure way, the ship offends their cause- perhaps the carpets were manufactured in a place that has sub-par labor standards, something along that vein. They go into a self-righteous tizzy.

566-575 A large group of passengers is composed of a single large extended family, travelling together.

576-578 A scientist passenger working aboard realizes he/she is close to some sort of important breakthrough, but needs resources/help from the crew. (such as some operating time with the ship's computer, access to the a certain console, communications, possibly) The level of resources needed will naturally rise well beyond the scientist's initial request.

579-581 Among the passengers are one or more who have just gone through some sort of horrendous experience, and they are headed home or to a place of rest/refuge/recuperation.

582-583 Something about the ship trigger's a passenger's allergies/asthma/flashbacks.

584-588 A politician is aboard.

589-590 As 584-588 above but it is close to election, campaign season, and the politician is grovelling/promising/grandstanding and doing everything possible to get his/her message out while on ship.

591-596 An organization requests, or perhaps some obscure clause in the ship's contract or registration has committed the ship to carrying a few interns/trainees/midshipmen for an organization that trains future ship crew.

597-599 A scientist is travelling to/from a field site, possibly with a gaggle of assistants/grad students.


600 A passenger somehow causes a mechanical failure.

601-602 A passenger is involved in a serious plumbing mishap.

603-605 Somehow, some of the accouterments or furnishings of the passengers' quarters are damaged (accidentally) through a passenger's actions.

      1. A passenger's quarters need serious cleaning after the occupant's embarrassing episode.

611-620 Along the ship's intended route, there is one place that is least likely/most remote/of greatest interest to the PC's. Coincidentally, their just happens to be one or more passengers aboard who are native to that place, headed home.

621-629 A passenger has been used as an unintentional carrier by a smuggler. There is an illegal or dangerous item in the passenger's luggage but the passenger is either unaware that it is there or has been fooled and thinks it is an innocent item.

630 Aboard is an acknowledged expert or champion in an obscure field (possibly one a PC is familiar with), for example, a champion bowler, or an expert on Incan stone cutting techniques.

631-635 A passenger is a clueless smuggler, who is attempting to move illegal/dangerous items in his/her luggage but is rather unaware of the security procedures in use.

636-640 A passenger is a skilled smuggler attempting to move illegal/dangerous items in his/her luggage or elsewhere and is using methods to defeat (or attempt to defeat) the security procedures in use.

641-648 An eager salesman likes to spend the time on the voyage extoling the wondrous products and services of his/her firm.

649-650 A PC notices a passenger who looks just like someone else, but isn't.

651-652 A disgruntled employee says too much, revealing very unpleasant things about his/her organization, above and beyond the usual "I hate my boss because" complaints. This person is revealing real dirt. Should the PC's sell their stock? Call a lawyer?.

651-655 A salesman similar to 641-650, but he or she has really prepared for this journey, and is set to make as many positive contacts as possible. The salesperson is equipped with presentation materials, samples, promotional items, etc.

656-657 A media bigwig is travelling in search of fresh ideas, scenes, sites, etc.

658-661 A company exec is aboard from the company that owns or runs the starship. He or she is not travailing in any official capacity (although the purpose of the trip may be business) but woe to any crew that makes the exec unhappy.

662-666 As 658-661 above, but the exec is on a working voyage, studying the ship's procedures, and making recommendations. Most likely, the exec is on the hunt for ways in which staffing can be… downsized.

667-668 As 662-664 above, but the exec come prepared with a slew of new procedures that he/she wants implemented immediately.

669 A self proclaimed psychic has visions of impending disaster.

670-674 One or more passengers is in the habit of wearing unusually loud/provacative/silly/anachronistic/ bizarre clothing.

675 A passenger is in the habit of wearing no clothing, much to the shock of other passengers. (there may be a report of "streaking" aboard, and this may be a one time incident involving a number of passengers).

676-678 A passenger is a Union Activist, and sets about convincing the ship's employees that they are being underpaid or mistreated.

679 There is a particular passenger who is not famous on his/her own merit, but it is learned that this person is a trusted retainer/immediate family member of an extremely famous person.

680-689 A particularly flirtatious passenger is interested in impressing members of the opposite sex, as often as possible, very likely to the point of annoyance.

690-699 An investor is aboard. He/she is interested in profitable new business ventures, and will be looking for news. If he/she is especially impressed with the ship, or (less likely) some scheme of the PC's, this person might invest money in return for a share of profits.


700-701 Mild food poisoning afflicts a number of people eating food from the same source.

701-707 A passenger has a sudden onset of a medical condition.

709-711 A passenger has a sudden onset of a serious or life threatening medical condition, so serious that death is possible.

712-716 A passenger has a sudden onset of a non-serious medical condition, and behaves as if the situation was one of 701-708 or 709-711 instead.

717-719 A passenger has an injury.

720-722 A passenger has an injury, and it is clearly due to error or accident on the part of the crew, or something at fault with the ship, etc.

723-724 As 717-719 Above, but the injury is serious, possibly life threatening.

725-726 As 720-722 Above, but the injury is serious, possibly life threatening.

727-728 A passenger is injured, possibly seriously, as a direct result of the actions of another- although the injury may not be intentional- two male passengers roughhousing, for example.

729-735 Very pregnant, but according to the Doctor, she will finish the journey with plenty of time before the scheduled Due Date. Of course, Doctors have been wrong, and babies have at times been in a rush to make their appearance.

736-740 A passenger experiences severe bouts of motion sickness.

740-742 The closed environment and other factors prove too much for one passenger, who get's "space stress".

743-745 A bereaved family is journeying with the body of a deceased love one aboard, intending to return the body to his/her "native soil" for burial.

746-747 A passenger gas a terminal but non-contagious medical condition (OK, technically, we all do, it's called "mortality" but in this case it's coming up really soon) and is heading home, to be cared for by family, or to a place for treatment.

748 A passenger is in a similar situation to 746-747 above but is headed out on a grand last spree to do as much as possible before dying.

749 As either 746-747 or 748 above, but the passenger has a particular request for a PC (or a very noticeable need that a PC might fulfill) and might reward the PC in some way.

750-755 Among the passengers are one or more professional (or very serious amateur) athletes, on their way to/from a match, exhibition, event, tour, etc. A group will likely be accompanied by coaches, trainers, assistants, etc. The athletes will make heavy use of whatever physical fitness facilities the ship has available.

756-764 A professional courier is aboard, travelling with data, documents, or a small amount of easily transportable valuables.

765-770 An extremely valuable/important cargo is being moved, and a special escort is aboard. This may not mean a security guard, for example, a museum's collection might be being moved, and a curator along to make sure all goes well.

771-772 As 765-770 above, but the object in question is famous in nature, like a museum piece (or perhaps a museum collection) or a famous musician's piano.

773-774 A major bank or similar organization, possibly at a national level, is moving vault or archive contents, and the escort includes both bank officials and security.

775-780 Military personnel are travelling to/from a distant assignment, under "peacetime" conditions so they are using available commercial transportation.

781-783 Military personnel are travelling to/from a long term assignment with their families, status similar to 775-780 above.

784-786 As per 775-780 above, but the military personnel belong to a nationality/social organization different from that of the ship. They are using this ship because their government had nothing of their own available, they had to move, and so they contracted out the transport.

787 An important officer is travelling, alone or with a small entourage.

788 As 787 above, but the officer belongs to a nationality/social organization different from that of the ship. His/her nation is using this ship because his/her government had nothing of their own available and so they contracted out the transport.

789-790 Military personnel are travelling home from a really tough assignment. They are tired, dirty, happy to be headed home, and depending on circumstances either jubilant, embittered, or both.

791 As per 789-790 Above, but the military personnel belong to a nationality/social organization different from that of the ship. They are using this ship because their government had nothing of their own available, they had to move, and so they contracted out the transport.

792 The military is moving prisoners under guard, on a civilian ship because nothing else was available.

793 Family members of military personnel are travelling to join up with military personnel who have travelled on ahead.

794-799 A passenger is a young, naïve, and optimistic beginner along whatever career path is the basis of one of the PC's. When this passenger encounters the PC, he/she will teat the PC with a mixture of respect, awe, and a certain level of "will you be my mentor?" puppy-like devotion.


800-802 It is a special occasion for one of the passengers, and friends/wellwishers/relatives have contacted the crew to arrange something "special", a dinner or reception in their honor, for example.

803-806 One or more passengers sponsors a wild party- a noisy bit of bedlam to which any available guests are invited.

807-809 The aroma of really interesting/spicy/exotic/repulsive cuisine permeates the air around one passenger's (or group of passenger's) quarters.

810-819 A pair of newlyweds is aboard. Their persistent public cooing and cuddling is enough to make others aboard nauseous.

820-821 A pair of newlyweds as per 810-819 above is traumatized by their first fight, and desperately turn to the ships captain, or any available PC, to solve their problems.

822-823 A couple wishes to be married aboard ship. They have planned this in advance.

824 As 822-823 above, but it is a spur of the moment decision during the voyage.

825-831 A trader wants passage for himself and a substantial amount of cargo.

832-833 A trader brings a stock of small items aboard, and goes about selling them to passengers. These are often expensive small luxury items like wines and spirits, jewelry, or small items useful to travellers.

834-835 Two professional knowledge worker types (scientists, lawyers, politician, etc) both aboard ship discover they are on opposite sides of a controversial subject in their field and a battle (most likely non-physical, but things have been known to happen) ensues.

836 A passenger talks to him/herself, quite dramatically, at odd times. What appears to be a deranged individual is actually a person preparing a monologue that must be delivered, possibly as part of a performance, a symposium, political speech, etc.

837-838 A passenger have recently had a stroke of extreme good fortune, financial, or otherwise. If it is money related, this person will be in the mood to share the good times.

839-840 As 837-838 Above, but this pertains a group of people who have just become very happy for some reason- scientists who have made a major discovery, execs who have just closed a deal, etc. They won't be as quick to throw money around to strangers, but they will be in a partying mood for the duration of the voyage, and they will keep the stewards busy.

841-845 A passenger seems to be particularly lonely, in a pathetic kind of way, and wants attention from a PC.

846-850 An organization is transporting workers to a temporary assignment, without their families. They are a rowdy/excitable/inebriated group that is in serious need of diversion.

851 One passenger enjoys singing along loudly to his/her music (which he/she listens to with headphones, so no one else can hear it). He/She thinks his/her singing is good. It isn't.

852-854 A passenger who has recently had a sad experience wallows in self pity, unloading feelings and getting drunk.

855-860 A has-been celebrity is aboard, rather grateful when anyone remembers who he/she is.

861 An inventor has brought aboard a bunch of partly completed projects and his tools, and spends his time working on them. During the voyage, he/she comes up with something the inventor thinks would be of great use to the crew, and wants the crew to try it out.

862-863 A passenger behaves in an erratic, or highly suspicious manner but is entirely innocent. Just a flukey coincidence.

864-869 A group of passengers are being "resettled"- unlike colonists, these people have not left their prior homes willingly. Some event or organization has left them no choice.

870 A Sleepwalker!

871-877 An organization with substantial clout in the passenger business- likely one that sponsors a great many passenger annually, asks to charter a substantial portion of the passenger capacity of the ship, or possibly even the whole ship.

878-880 As above, but the decision is made at the last minute, causing great disruption of existing plans, but the organization is willing to pay substantially for this, or offer some other kind of quid pro quo benefit.

881-887 An agency with the power to do so demands that a substantial portion of the passenger capacity of the ship, be reserved for its own people.

888-890 As above, but the decision is made at the last minute, causing passengers to be "bumped".

891-895 As 881-887 above, but the bureaucrat/military official/henchman of a despot/corporate suit behind this is really doing this as a favor to another agency/political supporter/crony. The "priority passengers" the ship must embark will have nothing to do with the agency that commandeered the berths, other than knowing :someone set this up for us".

896-897 As 891-895 above, but the bureaucrat/military official/henchman of a despot/corporate suit behind this is really doing this as a favor to another agency/political supporter/crony. The "priority passengers" the ship must embark will have nothing to do with the agency that commandeered the berths, other than knowing :someone set this up for us".


900-901 One of the passengers, who is unmarried but travelling with an romantic partner, requests the aid of the ship’s captain or crew in order to propose marriage with some sort of unusual technique.

902-908 Somehow, a stowaway has gotten aboard. Either the Stowaway, or convincing signs or indicators of the stowaway’s presence are found.

      1. There are signs and indications that a stowaway might be aboard, but these are false.

912-917 One of the passengers is a prostitute/courtesan/gigolo etc, and decides to turn the voyage into an income generating opportunity.

918-922 A passenger is aboard who seems outwardly like the one in 912-917 above, , but has a somewhat more respectable line of work, such as massage therapist.

923-931 A passenger is aboard who is… Infamous. Not a wanted criminal, but a person who is associated with a great misdeed, or perhaps a notorious criminal who has finished his punishment, or was found not guilty in a trial that the general public

932-940 There is a technologically impaired individual aboard, who is grossly incompetent when it comes to handling devices of all sorts. This is the person who still manages to screw something up when the system is "fool proof". He or she will need assistance with handling devices that most others consider routine. Expect requests of the "please help me, I just can't get this thing to work" variety.

941-947 Similar to 932-940 above, but this passenger is a Luddite by choice- someone who despises technology of all sorts (but otherwise has a reason to be aboard the ship) and is extremely uncomfortable, and typically incompetent, around devices of all sorts. He/She will typically resent having to deal with a machine instead of a human in any capacity.

      1. A passenger is blind.
      2. A passenger is deaf.

954-959 A passenger is mildly handicapped by injury or chronic condition, or perhaps recovering from surgery. He/She is able to walk unassisted and perform most tasks, but slowly, and not for any great length of time.

      1. A passenger is unable to walk without assistance.

963-966 One or more passengers are travelling who have special medical needs, such as the need to take respiratory equipment, wheelchairs, or other medical gadgetry along.

967 A passenger is travelling with a chronic medical condition requiring that he/she be accompanied by a private medical aide or nurse.

      1. One or more Medical Patients are being moved, and they require care and treatment during their voyage. If the ship has a qualified medical staff available, or other crew capable of caring for the passengers, arrangements will be made with the ship's staff to provide this care, and the ship will be reimbursed. If not, one or more medical personnel will be embarked along with the patients.

970 As 968-969 Above, but the patient(s) must be kept in special isolated quarters requiring some advance preparation, and the ship, if commercial, will be paid a premium for the inconvenience.

      1. The passenger roster includes some lucky contest winners! Yes, these lucky folk are travelling in

style through their good fortune. They have never done anything like this before, and certainly could never expect to if it wasn’t for their stroke of good luck, and of course, it shows. They can expected to be nice, freindly folk but utterly without a clue concerning travel on a ship.

981-986 A Secret Agent has boarded is travelling aboard. Secretly, of course.

987-990 As 981-986 above, but the agent is from another government.

991-999 An alien.