We have some standard FORMS, they can be accessed below.
If you need a Form but are unable to download it, please contact the webmaster.
Completed and signed PAPER copies of Forms should be sent to the Property Manager: via the Property Manager's mail box in the Mail Room.
Completed and signed ELECTRONIC Forms can be sent to the webmaster by email.
This photograph above shows what is now the Young People's Theatre building on the right, it used to belong to the Toronto Street Railway Company.
The building at the top of Frederick Street is the Campbell House, since moved to Queen and University.
Details at and some additional photographs of the move at
Alteration and Renovation Table - who is responsible for what
Elevator Reservation Form
There is no charge for booking an elevator but, if elevator use is required when no staff are on duty, you will be required to pay us to arrange for staff coverage.
Elevator bookings MUST be made at least 24 hours in advance, though no Reservation Form is required for a short booking (e.g. an appliance delivery) but the Superintendent should be
should be informed at least 24 hours ahead of all bookings so that he can pad an elevator to prevent damage.
Lounge Licence Application: This Form must be completed if you expect 11 or more guests in the Lounge and/or at the BBQ.
Photo from 6 July 1974. The long, black-roofed sheds east of the St Lawrence Market were part of the J & J Taylor
Safe Works – whose main building was at 145 Front St East, our next-door neighbours.