Under the Condominium Act each Condominium Corporation is required to have by-laws to ensure it is operated for the benefit of all owners. By-laws cannot override the Declaration or the Act. Once adopted by the Corporation, by-laws are registered in the Land Registry Office. The Act lays down many of the matters that must be covered by the by-laws and under the Act, most by-laws can be adopted, repealed or amended, by the Board, only if any change is confirmed by a majority of the owners (in our case 27), voting at a properly constituted meeting.
MTCC 573 currently has four by-laws. They can be downloaded below.
By-Law #6: Standard Unit By-Law. This By-Law was confirmed by unit owners in June 2008 and describes the “standard residential unit”. If a damage or insurance claim involves the Corporation, the Corporation is responsible for returning a unit to this condition. (It should be stressed that owners should, in addition to personal property insurance, have their own insurance to cover anything in the Unit which is over and above this Standard.) Registered as AT1856945 on 2008/08/06.
By-Law #9: General Operating By-Law. This By-Law was confirmed by owners in June 2019 and deals with the election and size of the Board of Directors, Directors’ duties, owners’ meetings, the assessment and collection of common expenses, occupancy standards and other basic matters concerning the Corporation and its obligations and powers. Registered as AT5183638 on 2019/07/12
By-Law #10: Mediation and Arbitration By-Law. This By-Law was also confirmed by owners in June 2019 and deals with the procedures to be followed at MTCC 573 in mediation and/or arbitration cases. Registered as AT5183645 on 2019/07/12
By-Law #11: Electronic owners’ meetings and electronic voting By-Law. This By-Law was confirmed by Unit owners in February 2021 and gives the Board the option of holding electronic meetings of owners and holding electronic votes. Registered as AT5665012 on 2021/03/01
A Consolidated Version of the four current By-Laws is also available.
By-Laws 1-4 (the original By-Laws of our Corporation) were repealed by By-Law 5 (General Operating) in 2004 and By-Laws 5 and 7 (Telecommunications) were repealed by By-Law 9 in 2019. By-Law 8 (on electronic voting) was repealed by By-Law 11 in 2021.
Toronto Port Authority Archives. (PC 1/1/806). Photo: Arthur Beales. October 16, 1915. The Safe Works Building is now 145 Front Street East.
Until the mid 1950's the St Lawrence Market (in the foreground) included a covered portion over Front Street.
Front Street looking east from George Street. 20 August 1927.