There are many local and neighbourhood groups and some of them and official sites like Toronto Hydro and the City are linked to below. If you have suggestions for additional links, please let us know.
Looking north up George Street from Front Street, November 1922.
(The building on the left is the Royal Canadian Hotel which was at the NW corner of Front Street and George Street. The taller building in the right-centre of the photograph, the Christie Biscuit factory, is still there at the SE corner of George and King. It is now part of the St James campus of George Brown College.)
View of site of New Town of York: probably about 1979 as the "sales office" signs are visible on the fence. The wall painted sign for the Taylor Safe Works is still, just, visible in 2018.
A photograph, from Canadian Architect (June 1981) of our building under construction in ca. spring 1981.
There is another photograph of our building under construction on the Introduction & History page.
The St Lawrence area in the mid 1970s. Parking was clearly not a problem!
The Black Horse Hotel was on NE corner of George Street and Front Street - where Bulk Barn is today. Note the building in the background (which is still there) at George and King.