WALMART - supermarket giant aims for 100% renewable energy by 2020

Domestic Fuel reports that supermarket giant Walmart plans to be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2020 (2013): “Walmart President and CEO Mike Duke has announced the company’s next step on the path to achieving its goal of being supplied 100 percent by renewable energy. Unveiled at Walmart’s Global Sustainability Milestone Meeting, the company committed to achieving the following by Dec. 31, 2020: drive the production or procurement of 7 billion kWh of renewable energy globally every year, a 600 percent increase over 2010 levels; and reduce the kWh/sq. ft. energy intensity required to power Walmart’s buildings globally by 20 percent compared to 2010 levels.” [1].

[1]. Joanna Schroeder, “Walmart: 100% renewable energy by 2020”, Domestic Fuel, 22 April 2013: .