COSTA RICA - on 100% renewable energy so far in 2015

Costa Rica has been on 100% renewable energy so far in 2015 – a great addition to the set of towns, corporations and countries going 100% RE ( “100% renewable energy by 2020”: ).

Report: “The Latin American country of Costa Rica has achieved the milestone of generating 100 per cent of its energy from renewable resources, with a combination of hydropower and geothermal for 75 days in a row, the the state-owned Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) said. Boosted by good rains at four of the country’s main hydroelectric plants, ICE said that, according to National Electric System figures, it had not been necessary to use hydrocarbons to supply the country’s grid at all in 2015, for the months of January, February and so far in March” (see Sophie Vorrath, “Costa Rica powered 100% by renewables for first 75 days of 2015”, RE New Economy, 19 March 2015: ).