Prom Dress Giveaway

TriCYA and Family Service League have dresses and accessories to help make your prom or special upcoming spring event a dream come true.

Come see this extraordinary collection!

By appointment only

Beginning March 1st through June 2014

There is no charge and all appointments

are kept confidential

For more information or to book an appointment

Please call Debbie Rimler at 631 673-0614

We are happy to announce that the Town of Smithtown Youth Bureau One-Stop Prom Shoppe is now booking appointments for students in need to come in and shop starting April 1st.  


We have received a variety of beautiful gowns and accessories suitable for formal school events (proms, banquets, formals) in an array of styles and sizes. All students are welcome from anywhere in Suffolk County, not just Smithtown Township, so please share this information with any families that may benefit from this program.  


Private shopping is by appointment only, so please have them call the Youth Bureau (631) 360-7595 or email ( to discuss available dates and times in April to come shop!


 There is no charge for any of the promwear and NOT limited to Smithtown Township residents.

**There is no proof of hardship required.