Counseling Groups

We have been working to better understand the consequences of our decisions. We know that a consequence is something that happens as a result of our behavior or decision. We also know that a way to make the best decision is to pick the option with the best consequences.

Consider the following situation:

Your teacher asks you to line up for recess. As you are lining up for recess, you notice a Billy take something out of Sean's desk. When you get back to class, you hear that Sean tell the teacher that his highlighter is missing.

  1. List at least 3 potential options for how to respond to this situation

  2. Think about the consequences of each option

  3. Choose the best option

Now, consider this situation

You are taking a test. During the test, the classroom phone rings, and your teacher steps outside to answer the call. While your teacher is focused on the phone call, a classmate turns to you and asks you to tell them the answer to a question.

  1. List at least 3 potential options for how to respond to this situation

  2. Think about the consequences of each option

  3. Choose the best option

Now, watch the video below