Secondary Teachers:  June Regents Testing - Request for Interpreters  deadline is May 3rd

According to the NYSED Blueprint for English Language Learner/Multilingual Learners Success: "All teachers are teachers of English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners." 

ENL Information in Infinite Campus.mp4

A brief tutorial on how to access ELL Profiles and Student Name Pronunciation in Infinite Campus

Google Meet - Instructions for Translating Captions.mp4

Please use this quick tutorial whenever you are holding a virtual meeting with parents who are ELLs!

Need translation?

The Name Project

The Shen

Seal of Biliteracy

Tech Tools for Working with ELLs

Tools for Administrators

ELLs and Special Education

Resources for Working with ELLs

Covid-19 and Remote-Learning Resources for Teaching ELLs

What do all those acronyms mean? 

Helpful ENL Terminology

ENL - English as a New Language (formerly known as ESL)

ELL - English Language Learner

MLL - Multilingual Learner

TESOL - Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (certification for ENL teachers)

Stand-Alone ENL - one of two methods by which ENL services are delivered to New York State ELLs. An ENL teacher supports English language development for Entering- and Emerging-level ELLs. 

Integrated ENL - one of two methods by which ENL services are delivered to New York State ELLs. An ENL teacher and an English teacher deliver the same curriculum as typical English courses, but with ENL methodology, to all ELLs (Entering through Commanding levels). 

NYSITELL - New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners. Administered upon a student's enrollment at Shen, this assessment determines the English proficiency level of a potential ELL. The results of this test are used to determine required services for a brand-new student who may be an ELL.

NYSESLAT - New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test. Administered each year in the spring, this assessment determines the English proficiency level of a current ELL. The results of this test are used to determine required services in the subsequent year for a current ELL. 

NYSSB - New York State Seal of Biliteracy. A diploma designation which recognizes students who are literate in more that one language. For more information, click here

SIFE - Student with Inconsistent/Interrupted Formal Education. English Language Learners (ELLs) who have attended schools in the United States for less than twelve months and who, upon initial enrollment in such schools, are two or more years below grade level in literacy in their home language and/or two or more years below grade level in Math due to inconsistent or interrupted schooling prior to arrival in the United States.

ENL Program Updates for BOE, 11/19/19