Academic Support Services

RTI, AIS and Enrichment/Acceleration

RtI - Response to Intervention

Middle School

Tier I Instruction (core instruction)

  • The core instruction (Tier 1) includes differentiation based on the abilities and needs of all students.

  • Differentiated learning activities (e.g., mixed instructional grouping, peer tutoring, etc.) are utilized to address individual needs.

  • Progress is monitored at regular intervals through classroom, unit, and district assessments.

Tier 2 Students Receive Core Instruction plus Targeted Intervention (moderate intensity AIS)

  • Tier 2 is a supplemental intervention intended for approximately 10 -15% of students who are not responding to core instruction at Tier 1.

  • This supplemental instruction is provided in addition to, and not in place of, the core instruction provided in Tier 1.

  • Tier 2 interventions focus on areas of student need or weakness that are determined from the results of the universal screening in combination other data points

  • The Instructional Support Teams additionally review assessments

Tier 3 Students Receive Core Instruction plus Intensive Intervention (High Intensity AIS)

  • Tier 3 provides intensive intervention intended for about 1 – 5% of students who are not responding to instruction at Tiers 1 and 2 and is designed to increase an individual student’s rate of progress.

  • This Tier provides greater individualized instruction in an individualized or small group session.

  • These services are considered supplemental instruction to Tier 1 and are not intended to replace Tier 1 instruction.

Enrichment and Acceleration