What do you mean by that?

Words Matter. Speak Up.

You want to make the world a better place. You want to create a school environment that is safe and welcoming for all students -- and you don't want to let moments of bias pass silently.

So, what do you say?

Elementary (K-5)

You hear a student saying "Your lunch smells funny" to another student.

How do you respond?

Click for suggestions.

Secondary (6-12)

A student criticizes another student about her earrings: "Don't you realize that those look ghetto?"

How do you respond?

Click for suggestions.


A colleague/friend starts telling you an ethnic joke.

How do you respond?

Click for suggestions.

"It's important that we make room for this -- for learning how to get along with one another -- in our core curriculum... 'People skills' -- being conscious of our cultural differences -- is what makes businesses succeed and economies run. If we don't do this, it's a disservice to our students, to our country and to our world."
- Amber Makaiau, ethnic studies teacher, Oahu, Hawaii