Wind Band

Advanced Concert Band, also known as Wind Band, will rehearse and perform band and wind ensemble literature suited to the performance abilities of the most advanced high school instrumentalists. The Advanced Band will present several performances throughout the year for a variety of different audiences. Enrollment is by audition only, with a set instrumentation established and maintained. A music fee is charged and a uniform is required.

The Advanced Band will rehearse and perform advanced high school and college level band literature throughout the year,demonstrating the highest degree of rehearsal and performance standards. Students enrolled in the Advanced Band must demonstrate advanced music reading and technical skills, and demonstrate a high degree of musicianship on a brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument. Several performances will be required outside the school day as a part of the unique experience for this performance group. Students are expected to practice outside the school day to prepare for each daily rehearsal.

Members of this ensemble will develop and maintain advanced musical and personal standards, self-discipline and demonstrate professional attitudes through the study and performance of exceptional band literature. Students will learn how to further improve their music reading skills, develop advanced technical and musical skills, and apply these skills and disciplines to real life settings.

This class will also help students enhance their communication skills, self-confidence, poise, and teamwork skills through music performance and study.

Credits in this course can be used toward the Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma fine arts requirement or as an elective for any diploma. Participation in the band program is encouraged throughout high school, as the literature studied will change each semester during a four-year cycle. After successfully completing 4 years of the band program, students will be prepared to make positive contributions in instrumental ensembles at the college level. Students will also have a strong foundation to continue their participation in band as an avocation after the formal education process ends.