Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental Ensemble is a class that develops advanced skills learned in band through the use of chamber and solo literature. One section of this class will be designed specifically for percussionists interested in drum line and percussion solo and ensemble literature. Students enrolled in this class will receive specialized small group and individual instruction on a band instrument, using chamber literature and solos as a medium to teach and develop these specialized skills. This class will provide students with an opportunity to perform, listen to, analyze and create small group and solo literature. In addition to these opportunities, students will also prepare and perform works in a recital setting and introduce each work studied to a public audience.
Performance after regular school hours is a requirement of this class. Students enrolling in this class are expected to participate in recitals and public performances scheduled outside the school day. Periodically, students in this class may experience performances of chamber literature by professional and college level musicians. Students enrolled in Instrumental Ensemble must also be enrolled in a band class, or receive written permission from the instructor prior to enrolling. This class will meet the Academic Honors Diploma fine arts requirement and may be taken in successive semesters. It is a one credit (1 credit) course, designed as an opportunity to receive advanced instrumental training on a band instrument through the use of chamber and solo literature. Students considering any type of Instrumental or General Music Major at the college level should enroll in this class.