Research outputs

This page describes how to add and manage your research outputs.

Add an output

You can add outputs in multiple ways:

(1) Automatic

myPublications saves you time by finding your published work in well-known scholarly databases (e.g. Dimensions, Crossref. Scopus, Pubmed, Web of Science). These records are maintained by the publisher and so are normally correct. They also often include other useful information, such as keywords and citations. 

myPublications can use unique IDs to claim your outputs automatically. These can include your ORCID ID, Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, and even an email address. To set-up your unique IDs go to My Profile > Settings > Automatic Claiming

Potential IDs are listed at the top of the page. 

You can also add an ID manually and manage your existing IDs.

(2) Semi-automatic

myPublications also uses your name and affiliation to search for your outputs amongst the millions of records in the online scholarly databases. It may therefore find records that belong to a namesake or miss those published with a different name or affiliation. As this method is less precise it adds them to a Pending list to await your approval. myPublications will email you when it finds new outputs.

Go to My Profile > My Work > Research Outputs and choose PENDING at the top of the page. Use the CLAIM or REJECT buttons on individual outputs, or select several by using the checkboxes and then claim or reject them with the large buttons at the top of the list. Claimed publications will move to the Claimed list and rejected to the Rejected list.

If you find that myPublications is missing outputs, or finding too many that are not yours, then revise your search settings and/or set-up unique IDs (see above)

(3) Manually

Outputs not found in the online databases can be added manually. Select the large + at the top of the outputs page and follow the step-by-step guidance. There is automatic checking to confirm you do not create a duplicate. Just enter the title and search. Enter as much information as possible, remembering that what you enter is what is shown on reports and your personal web pages.

You can also import outputs from other software, such as Reference Manager or EndNote. We strongly advise against this, since it often creates duplicates and can even overwrite data entered by co-authors. It is much better to configure your search settings and identifiers and then claim the output records.

Mange your outputs

Go to My Profile > My Work > Research Outputs to see your outputs list.

You can view various data about your outputs by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of each record:

To favourite an output click on the heart icon. You can then filter or export just these outputs. If you are using the integration with the University website or sending your outputs to ORCID, then you can choose only to send your favourited items.

Edit an output

It's easy to make changes such as correcting a title or date. Click on the output title and then Add manual record or Edit record within the Data sources section. Change as required and save.

Change formatting

Publishers vary in their use of capitalisation or abbreviated journal names. For items found in more than one scholarly database, choose a preferred source using the stars in the Sources tab. This preference will also be reflected on your University profile page or when sending outputs to ORCID.

Duplicate and conjugated items

It's very common for an output to be found in multiple scholarly databases, such as in Scopus and PubMed. These are automatically merged using the DOI and title. Sometimes slight differences prevent this and a separate record is created for each. Duplicate records can be manually merged. Email with the details and we'll take care of it for you.

More rarely, distinct outputs may be incorrectly merged (e.g. a conference paper and journal article with the same title and no DOI). Email with the details and we'll split them into separate records for you.

Add your contribution

CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a high-level taxonomy used to represent the roles typically played by contributors to research outputs. We have added functionality so that you can record your own specific contribution to a research output. It is quick and easy to do. 

Go to My Profile > My Work > Research Outputs to see your outputs list. Go into the detail of an output by clicking on the title, and then scroll down to see the CrediT box. Click the large + button to add your contribution.