
All of my publications have disappeared / my account appears to have been re-set

Your account is linked to your HR number. It is not uncommon for this to change if you move jobs or roles within the University, even if you keep the same username and email address. If it appears that your profile has been reset, then your HR number may have changed. We can easily link your new HR number to your old account. Please contact myPublications@sheffield.ac.uk for assistance.

Can I change my name?

Yes - see Set-up.


Adding outputs

Why are there a large number of pending publications which do not belong to me?

myPublications uses your name and affiliation to search the millions of records in the online data sources for your outputs. It may therefore find some that are not yours, particularly if you have common name or a namesake. Check your search settings to see if you can make the search more restrictive, or consider using unique IDs.

How do I claim or reject all of my pending publications at once?

In your pending outputs list, use the checkboxes next to the output title and the Claim and Reject buttons at the top of the list.

How do I create a record for an output that has not yet been published (e.g. on acceptance)?

Just add the output manually.

Why is I am missing publications?

If it's just one output that's missing, then possible problems include:

  • The output is not (yet) listed in the scholarly databases.

  • The output has accidentally been rejected - look in your rejected list.

  • There are errors in scholarly database (e.g. a spelling mistake in your name, or an incorrect affiliation). Check the details of the publication on the publisher's website.

If many outputs are not being found:

  • Searching scholarly databases has been switched off. Check your search settings and make sure Search this source is checked for those you wish to use.

  • The advanced search option has been activated, and an empty or incorrect search string is being submitted. Check your search settings.

  • Your search settings contain special characters (e.g. letters with accents) that some scholarly database can't process. Check your search settings and add a name variant that uses plain letters only.

  • Your search settings are too restrictive (e.g. specifying specific keywords or journals).

  • Your search terms are so wide they bring back too many publications, triggering a fail-safe within the system. In your search settings check the top of the page to see if an error is being reported due to too many results being obtained. Make your settings more restrictive, such as by adding a start date or affiliations.

Are preprints available through Elements?


Automatic claiming

I have more than one Scopus Author identifier. Can I enter all of them?


What happens if one of my Author identifiers is merged or deleted by the provider?

Nothing deleterious will happen to the data in myPublications if an identifier is deleted by the provider. If a new identifier is created, eventually myPublications will retrieve it and present it for confirmation.

An incorrect author identifier was inadvertently claimed, but when the identifier was changed to "Not mine," the publications did not clear out of the Claimed list. What can be done?

With improvements in the automatic claiming functionality, claiming publications that have an author name that does not match the search settings should be very difficult, though not impossible. Even after setting the identifier to 'Not mine' the output must be manually rejected.

Managing outputs

How do I delete an output?

Move it into your Rejected list by clicking the red cross at the bottom right of the record.

What do I do if there are duplicate outputs?

Simply email myPublications@sheffield.ac.uk with the details and we'll take care of it for you.

What does favouriting an output do?

Favourite an output by clicking on the heart icon in the summary record. This helps you to filter or export only your favourite outputs. If you are using the integration with the University website or sending your outputs to ORCID, then you can choose only to send your favourited publications.

How do I change the type of an outputs that has been classified incorrectly (e.g. as a journal article rather than a conference paper)?

Click on the current classification (e.g. Journal article) and change as required.

Exporting outputs

Can I change how my outputs are displayed in reports and on my website?

Publishers vary in their use of capitalisation or abbreviated journal names. For items found in more than one scholarly database, choose a preferred source using the stars in the Sources tab. This preference will also be reflected on your University profile page or when sending outputs to ORCID.

Metrics and altmetrics

Why are there no citation counts for my output?

Citation counts are provided directly from the scholarly databases (e.g. Scopus) and thus only available if the output has been sourced from one of them.

Why are the citation counts sometimes lower than in the online databases?

Citation counts in myPublications are updated every 14 days, whereas those provided online may be updated more frequently.

Can myPublications include citation counts from Google Scholar?

No - unfortunately Google does not make that data available for use by third party software.

Why doesn't the h-index in myPublications match my h-index in Scopus and Web of Science?

myPublications calculates the h-index from citation information that it explicitly holds against your outputs, which may differ to the online databases.

Open Access

What version of a manuscript should be deposited?

Although publishers can differ, it is usually the Author Accepted Manuscript that can be deposited, i.e. the version that has been accepted for publication and completed peer-review, but has not yet been typeset by the publisher. Most publishers will not allow the final PDF that appears on their website to be deposited unless an article processing charge (APC) is paid for Gold open access.

How do I know if my deposit is live?

Quickly check the status via the Deposits tab of the output record.


myPublications does not import all of the outputs from my ORCID profile

Only outputs with a unique ID (DOI, Scopus ID, PubMed ID) can currently be imported from ORCID. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control.

My ORCID search has failed

You may need to reauthenticate your ORCID account. Go to My Profile > Settings > ORCID Settings, and click the 'Reconnect your ORCID ID' button if available. Also check that you verified your ORCID account using the email that they sent when you first registered.