Student Attendance Monitoring

What is 'Student Attendance Monitoring'?

The University has agreed a unified University policy on attendance monitoring for all home and international students. This is to ensure equity of treatment across the whole student population and enable attendance monitoring to be an effective tool for identifying any problems at an early stage and offering students appropriate support. Departments are therefore required to monitor attendance and review engagement with the programme of study, for all home and international students.

Systems for Attendance Monitoring

The University has developed central Student Attendance Monitoring (SAM) systems to assist departments in recording both student attendance throughout the year and student engagement at specific check points during the year. These systems include a reporting facility to assist in monitoring and reviewing student attendance/ engagement data. 

Attendance Monitoring & Tier 4 of the Points-Based Systems (PBS)

UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) has introduced a new immigration system for international students: Tier 4 of the Points Based System (PBS). Under Tier 4 all educational institutions must have a UKVI approved sponsor licence to recruit and retain students on a student visa. In order to retain its sponsor licence, the University has a number of duties that it is required to undertake. Among these is a requirement for the University to report to the UKVI any international student with a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) Number who is absent without permission from their programme of study. Under PBS, a record of a student's attendance must be stored and may be requested by the UKVI during a compliance visit.

Guidance/assistance about the tier 4 Points-Based System (PBS) or student immigration matters can be obtained from the Student Services' International Student Support Team by contacting


In the first instance please contact the PGR Student Support Officer.