Time Limit Extension

If you reach your time limit and have not yet submitted, your registration status will automatically lapse and you may be withdrawn from the University and not be permitted to submit your thesis. If you try to submit your thesis after the time limit has expired, even if it is by one day or less, you will be required to apply for an extension and no further action will be taken regarding the submitted thesis until an extension request has been received and approved by the faculty.

You may apply for an extension to you time limit, but should note that extensions are only granted in truly exceptional circumstances. Under no circumstances should you be led to believe that you will automatically be granted an extension to your time limit.

Application process

To apply for an extension a you must complete the Time Limit Extension (PGR) form. The application will be considered on its merits by the department and then the appropriate faculty. You must clearly state the reason why you have failed to submit on time and demonstrate how you would use the requested extension period effectively in order to complete the writing of your thesis and submit by the revised deadline. 

You should provide this information as a Gantt chart to illustrate the schedule of work to be undertaken.

Once your form has been filled in, you have the evidence you need (if required) and your supervisor has signed the form, please send it to eee-pgradmin@sheffield.ac.uk for processing.  Once we have completed our part, it will be sent to Research Services for approval and you will be informed of the outcome of your request. 

Please be aware TLE requests can take several weeks to be approved so please submit them early (if possible)! Most TLE requests are denied unless there are extenuating circumstances. There is a preference for students to apply for LoAs if possible.

For more information, visit the university website here.

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