Doctoral Development Programme (DDP) and Evidencing Development Summary (EDS)


The Evidencing Development Summary (EDS) is something which students should build from the Doctoral Development Programme (DDP). DDP is a programme of personalised training and development for you whilst you are at the  University of Sheffield. Although engaging with the DDP is a mandatory requirement, we recognise the diversity of academic and professional experiences, research projects and career aspirations present within our PGR community. This is why the DDP is designed to be flexible and tailored to your own development needs.

By engaging with the DDP and developing your EDS, you will gain and enhance the skills needed to:

EDS/DDP Modules

In EEE, the only mandatory module is FCE6100 – Professional Behaviour and Ethical Conduct - If you have queries about this module then you can email You may register for optional modules using the DDP portal. It is recommended that you discuss any module choices with your supervisor, before registering. You can access the DDP portal from the DDP training hub.

As part of the DDP, you will need to create an Evidencing Development summary. This is designed to help you get the most from your PGR experience, helping you to plan and reflect upon your research and how it will relate to your future aspirations. Towards the end of your studies, you should use your completed TNA to reflect on the training and development you have experienced throughout your research, and identify one example of development for each of the eight core competencies on your Evidencing Development summary. 

Further Information

You can find more information and report templates on the Research, Partnerships and Innovation Services DDP page, including FAQs.

If you have any queries about the DDP process please contact the Doctoral Development Team at