NWEA Testing

Students in grades K-11 are required to take the NWEA test three times per year.

NWEA provides many different reports to help schools and teachers use MAP Growth information. Teachers can see the progress of individual students and of their classes as a whole. Teachers use RIT scores combined with formative assessment to develop classroom-level strategies for equitable instruction that help maximize every student’s learning potential.  

This data is often used to help students set goals and understand how much they need to learn to achieve their goals. 







SAT/PSAT, WorkKeys, and M-STEP
Please check back regulary for more updates on Spring Testing. Remember that all State Testing is required!

All students with 9th grade status must take the PSAT 9 in April.

The PSAT 9 is given on TBD.

Students must report to Asher HS at 8:00am.

All students with 10th grade status must take the PSAT 10 in April.

The PSAT10 is given on TBD.

Students must report to Asher HS at 8:00am.

All students with 11th grade status must take the SAT, WorkKeys, and M-STEP in April.

The SAT is given on TBD.

WorkKeys is given on TBD.

M-STEP is given on TBD.

Students must report to Asher HS at 8:00am.

All students with 12th grade status must take any missing test from 11th grade in April.

The SAT is given on TBD.

WorkKeys is given on TBD.

M-STEP is given on TBD.

Students must report to Asher HS at 8:00am.