Student Lockers

The Board of Education provides students with an individual locker to keep or store clothing, books and other personal articles when not in actual use. The use of the lockers is limited to the keeping or storing of those articles which, by the nature of their presence on school property, do not violate any applicable state or local law, regulation or ordinance.

It is expected that lockers will be kept clean and orderly. Locker problems are to be reported to the main office.

If the school administration has reasonable cause to believe that there is an article in the student’s locker which does not conform to these limitations, the principal or his designee shall have the authority to open and inspect the locker for the suspected article. This authority shall be exercised in such a way as to give respect to the privacy of the student’s locker consistent with the safety and welfare of the occupants of the school.

School properties may be inspected by school authorities in the interest of maintenance, health and safety. Inspections for the location of drugs, narcotics, liquor, weapons, poisons and missing properties are matters relating to health and safety and may be regarded as reasonable purposes for inspection by school personnel (cf. 5145.12 – Search and Seizure).

Sharing lockers, giving out combinations, and disabling the locking mechanism on lockers are strictly forbidden.