Medication Policy

Medication Policy

Medication should be administered at home whenever possible. Parents are asked to review the following rules applying to the administering of medication during school hours:

  1. No child may, during school hours, administer to himself/herself, or carry on his/her person or in his/her locker, etc., any medications for self-administration or administration by others. (For the policy concerning epi-pens and inhalers see #6 in this list of medication rules).

  2. Any school staff member who, in school, observes a child carrying, or giving himself/herself medication, shall report such student to the principal or health aide, who shall immediately ascertain from the child’s parent (guardian) whether such medication has been prescribed by a physician.

  3. School personnel may not administer medication to a school child unless the parent (guardian) has previously filled out and signed the prescribed form procurable from the child’s physician or school.

  4. Only a school nurse, and only under a doctor’s prescription, may place drops into a child’s ears, eyes or nose. Other medications may be administered by the principal or designated teachers, as well as by the nurse.

  5. No medication including aspirin, ibuprofen or an aspirin substitute containing acetaminophen shall be administered without the written authorization of a physician or dentist and the written authorization of a parent or guardian. Such authorization shall be submitted on the Seymour Board of Education Medical Authorization Form H-1

  6. Self-administration of medications by students is not allowed. With permission signed by a physician and parent, the exception to this is an Epi-Pen and/or inhaler used for allergic reactions that could possibly be life threatening.

A complete copy of the Seymour Board of Education Administering Medication Policy (#5141.21) is available from the Building Principal/Assistant Principal(s) or from the Superintendent of School at 98 Bank Street, Seymour.

Or you can use the link below to view the complete document.