Collaborative Leadership

Leads Beyond the Library

Participates in setting the school district’s vision and strategic plan for digital learning and fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation to empower teachers and learners.

Current Status and Growth Initiatives

Current Status:

  • Video tutorials are available on library homepages that assist students and staff in accessing and utilizing available resources.

  • The Library Media Specialist is a member of district committees such as the technology committee and computer science committee.

  • Newly redesigned high school library media center addresses the needs of collaborative digital learners.

  • The Library Media Specialist collaborates with the District Technology Integration Specialist, the Director of Teaching and Learning, building Principals and staff.

  • The District LMS is a member of both WEMTA and the Northeast Wisconsin Library Network.

Growth Initiatives:

  • Develop a library website on the staff resource/launch page where teachers can access information about software subscriptions and other resources to support their curriculum.

  • Continually update this website, including video tutorials on utilizing resources.