Teaching as a profession

Teaching and Leadership Academy (TLA)

Why should I join the Education Pathway?

"EDUCATION" doesn't mean just "teaching"!

If you are thinking about a career as a LAWYER, SOCIAL WORKER, COUNSELOR, PSYCHOLOGIST, THERAPIST, MANAGER, OR PROTECTIVE SERVICES, all of them require communication skills, writing, reading, time management, organization and problem-solving. You will need resources to plan for college, scholarships and career options.

You will learn, practice and improve all of these skills in the Teaching and Leadership Academy!


If you would like to receive leadership training and work on service projects and activities for our school and community, this is the pathway for you!


If you enjoy working with others and making a positive difference, begin by learning about teaching as a profession!


If you enjoy "hands-on" activities, tutoring and helping others, this pathway will provide you with the experience and responsibility to be involved!

We hope you will make the choice to become a "hero" by choosing to join the

Education Pathway "Teaching and Leadership Academy"!

Mrs. Kat Muranaka

Education Pathway Teacher

National Honor Society Advisor

Scholarship Committee Member

Searider for Life!


Why should a student consider the Education Pathway "Teaching and Leadership" Academy?

The Education Pathway will introduce students to the skills, knowledge and responsibilities of being a teacher and a leader. The pathway is focused on developing leadership, organization, thinking, research and public speaking skills.

It is ideal for anyone who wants to make a difference in the lives of others, or just enjoys helping people. You do not need to want to become a teacher in order to join this pathway.

You DO need to enjoy working together with other students and participating in partner and group activities and assignments. You should also have an interest in developing your leadership skills by through projects and/or presentations to help and/or inform others.

Who Joins TLA.mp4
What is TLA.mp4

What do students learn and do in the Education Pathway?

Skills we build in the Education Pathway:

  • Leadership

  • Communication skills (speaking, writing, reading, listening)

  • Organization & Time Management

  • Problem-solving

By participating in our program, you will feel more confident about yourself and your abilities, be a part of a supportive cohort of classmates, and better prepared for your life after high school.

What other careers besides teaching does the Education Pathway support?

Aside from jobs and careers related to education (teacher, counselor, athletic coach, principal, etc.), this pathway is designed to help any student who is not sure of their career choice, but would like to develop leadership skills and be of service to others.

The skills learned in this pathway will support careers in law, social work, counseling, therapy, psychology, protective services and management.

All you need is an interest in helping others and the desire to make a positive difference.

What Will You Do in TLA?.mp4
TLA Activities.mp4

What community and industry partners do students get to work with?

  • Center for Tomorrow's Leaders-CTL (Leadership Training & Community Service Projects)

  • Manoa Educational Talent Search-METS (College Planning, Exploration & Scholarship Preparation)

  • Whitworth University School of Education (Teacher Education Training & Mentorship)

  • Waianae Rotary (Service Opportunities)

  • WHS and Nanakuli-Waianae Complex Schools (Tutoring & Classroom Visits)

Course Sequence


Foundations in Education


Introduction to careers, skills, requirements in education


Teaching as a Profession 1



Teaching strategies, how students learn, working with different student populations


Teaching as a Profession 2



Classroom management, using higher-order thinking skills


TAP: Work-Based Learning Practicum


Employability skills, post-high school criteria, professional/ethical responsibilities

The Education Pathway Teaching and Leadership Academy is looking for "heroes"!

Do you want a career that will make a positive difference in the lives of others?

Join us and accept the challenge of becoming a "hero" who creates positive change for our school, community and future generations!