Link to Aztec Physical Packet:  (You will give this to your trainer when you arrive)

Sickle Cell Testing: See your primary care physician and have a sickle cell test done before you get here. These test results usually take about a week to get back! If you have a test result from your previous school, please obtain a copy from them. (You will give this to your trainer when you arrive)

Immunizations: All students must meet specific immunization requirements in order to enroll at SDSU. Visit the Immunization Requirements website (or see below) to review the requirements that apply to you and begin working with your healthcare professional to ensure you have completed all of the required immunizations. 

Students may fulfill immunization requirements by uploading medical documentation as proof of immunization online through the secure HealtheConnect portal - students will not have access to Health Portal until AFTER they are admitted. Positive laboratory evidence of immunity may also be used to prove immunization status. For more information about this requirement call 619-594-4325 or email


These are required for your Athletic Physical, please have documentation prepared for each:

Recommended Immunizations 

In addition to the required immunizations, the following are strongly recommended: 

Hepatitis A (Hep A): All students regardless of age. 

Hepatitis B (Hep B): Students age 19 and older. 

Human papillomavirus (HPV): For all students through age 45. 

Influenza (flu): Annually for all students, regardless of age. 

Pneumococcal: For all students age 65 and older and for students with certain  medical conditions (e.g., severe asthma, diabetes, chronic liver or kidney  disease). 

 Poliovirus (polio): Regardless of age, if the series was not completed as a child. 

Meeting the Requirement 

Students will be required to submit their immunizations and documentation no later than July 15  for students starting in the fall semester and January 5 for students starting in the spring  semester. 

Students may fulfill immunization requirements by submitting medical documentation as proof of  immunization online through the secure HealtheConnect. 


Students are permitted to seek exemptions to the above vaccination requirements for medical or  for sincerely held religious beliefs. Students seeking an exemption will be required to submit an  Exemption Request Form to the university. Exemption requests must be submitted by the same  deadlines as outlined above. 

Link to SDSU Exemption instructions here:

Additional Discretionary Requirements 

In the event of a local or campus-based outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease, the local  public health department and/or the CDPH is authorized to require immunizations beyond those  currently required. SDSU will consult with the appropriate public health authority in case of an  outbreak. 

Academic Program and Fieldwork or Clinical Placement Requirements All students enrolled in health care fields of study or teacher education programs are required to  provide documentation regarding the completion of immunizations and health screenings as  established by the state licensing agencies or clinical placement sites or fieldwork sites.  Students should contact the academic program for the specific required immunizations, health  screenings (e.g., TB screening and physical examination) and any other fieldwork or clinical  placement requirements.


Students who are not compliant with the university’s immunization requirement may have their  student account placed on hold. This hold may be implemented for the second semester of  their enrollment at the university and will prevent registration for future terms. 

Operational Responsibility 

Student Health Services (SHS) will administer the immunization requirement program on behalf  of the university. SHS will also be responsible for advising students on how to obtain the  required immunizations through private health care providers, local health departments, or SHS.  Questions regarding this requirement and options on how to meet the requirements should be  directed to SHS.  

Effective Date 

This policy is in effect for all SDSU students with the start of the Fall 2023 term and these less  restrictive requirements will also be applied to all students who enrolled in their academic  program Fall 2019 or after.