All First-Time Freshmen from out of the San Diego Service Area must sign a 2-year on-campus Housing Contract. The housing contract that is signed prior to moving to campus your freshman year is a TWO YEAR agreement. It is required that sophomores also live on campus, so the agreement is binding for two years. 

*You will get an exception to this On-Campus requirement if you graduated from a high school in the San Diego Service Area,  or if you are a transfer student.  

*If you are a Transfer student, you must secure off-campus housing

Note: If you are a Summer Access Sport coming on campus and enrolling in classes for summer, you will be required to complete a separate housing agreement for just the summer term. 

Housing Portal - Academic Year and Summer License Agreements

Click on the Housing Portal Button to fill out the agreements (only available 24 hours after you have been admitted) and read the instructions below:

If you are a transfer or Upper Division student - Use this website for OFF Campus Housing resources:

How to Join the On Campus Housing Waitlist

 Upper Division Students, Transfers, and Late Applications  (March-August)