Week 5 challenges

May 19-22

Theme: Joy

Choose the challenge(s) you would like to complete from the options listed below

When you have done a challenge, email evidence of completion to Mr. Devito at sdevito@summer.com

It could be a photo, a video, a screenshot or even just a note describing what you did.

The following challenges are meant to support areas of ADST and STEM curriculum.


Heads Up

Untitled document.pdf

Challenge from
Ms. Boef


Meme Generator

Create a meme to make someone laugh and bring them joy. Watch my video to get started or follow the steps below.

Click here to access the meme generator and then "make a copy"

Choose one of the photos for your background and then edit the text to generate your meme.

Once you're finished select File > Download > PNG image and send it to Mr. Devito and/or me!

Remember these need to be school appropriate!

Challenge from
Mrs. Naish

Home Ec:

Signature Sandwich

At Home Learning Opportunity for Home Ec - Week 5.pdf

Challenge from
Ms. Hooper


The Evolution of Popular Music

Through this fantastic tour guide, take a trip back in time to learn all about the evolution of Pop Music over the past 100 years! All aboard!

Pop Music Evolution.pdf

Challenge from
Mr. Palm

tech ed

Enhancing Your Joy

Challenge Week Four.docx.pdf

Challenge from
Mr. Burroughs


Choose your own adventure

Interested in something different? Working on something else that fits one of the exploratories? Share what you're working on and tell us about your process.

Bonus - If it connects to the weekly theme, tell us how!