Week 2 challenges

April 27 - May 1

Theme: Connection

Choose the challenge(s) you would like to complete from the options listed below

When you have done a challenge, email evidence of completion to Mr. Devito at sdevito@summer.com

It could be a photo, a video, a screenshot or even just a note describing what you did.

The following challenges are meant to support areas of ADST and STEM curriculum.


Hike “N Art

Go on a hike (walk) and connect with the outdoors.

Stage 1: Go on a hike and create an Inuksuk.

Extension: Answer the following:

-Why were Inuksuks built?
- An Inukshuk in the shape of a person signifies what?
- When hiking, how many Inuksuks did you see?

Stage 2: Go on a hike and Create a Natural Mandella.

Step 1: collect materials such as pine cones, berries, leaves, flowers, twigs, bird seeds, etc. (make sure the stuff you collect is good for the environment, including animals)

Step 2: come up with a plan on how you are going to arrange your materials into a Mandella

Step 3: bring your camera and go on your hike. (I hiked up to a beautiful look out)

Step 4: Once you find the perfect spot, start creating your Mandella and take a picture of it once it is finished.

Please note, that your Mandella does not need to look like mine, it can be as simple or as complicated as you want.

**If you completed an art challenge from Mrs. Boef, please email me. aboef@sd67.bc.ca

I would love to see your artwork, and chat about it.


Nitrotype Racing

  1. Go to www.nitrotype.com

  2. Click "sign up"

  3. Continue with Google - use your school account

  4. Create an appropriate display name

  5. Click "race now"

  6. Get your friends to sign up too and search for them to race against

  7. Send me a chat or email if you want to challenge me to a race!

Remember to use proper hand placement For more typing practice go to typing.com and sign up with Google

Challenge from
Mrs. Naish

Home Ec:

Re-purposing Fabric continued...

At Home Learning Opportunity for Home Ec.pdf
Click on the pop-out to look at the instructions in detail

Challenge from
Ms. Hooper




Challenge from Mr. Palm

tech ed

Rube Goldberg Machine

Challenge Week Two.pdf

Challenge from
Mr. Burroughs


Choose your own adventure

Interested in something different? Working on something else that fits one of the exploratories? Share what you're working on and tell us about your process.

Bonus - If it connects to the weekly theme, tell us how!