French 9

The program used at this level is communicative and emphasizes the development of effective communication skills in French. The students will improve their speaking skills, their understanding of the spoken language and their reading and writing skills. Students will become acquainted with the cultures of the Francophone world. In order to be successful, students must accept that almost all of the class will be in French and they must participate actively in class.

Students will present dialogues, complete research assignments, and make group and individual presentations and take part in communicative games in French.

French 10

In this communicative course, students will further develop their skills to communicate effectively in order to be able to express their ideas and opinions in French. As in French 9, the students will improve their speaking skills, their understanding of the spoken language and their reading and writing skills. Students will develop a deeper understanding of the cultures of the Francophone world. In order to be successful, students must accept that almost all of the class will be in French and they must participate actively in class. They will present dialogues, complete authentic reading and written assignments, complete research assignments, make group and individual presentations and take part in communicative games in French.

French 11

In this communicative course, the students will use a variety of authentic materials to improve the sophistication of their communication in French and will begin to express more abstract ideas in French. The students will further improve their speaking skills, their understanding of the spoken language and their reading and writing skills. Students will write and present more complex assignments in French. Students will continue to develop an in-depth understanding of, and appreciation for the cultures of the Francophone world. Students will study a variety of creative works including music, film, extracts from novels and poems and will present their responses to these creative works in a variety of ways.

In order to be successful, students must accept to be immersed in French and they must participate actively in class. They will present dialogues, complete authentic reading and written assignments, complete research assignments, make group and individual presentations and take part in communicative games in French.

French 12

In this communicative course, students will be immersed in French and will continue to develop the sophistication of their communication skills, both oral and written, as well as their ability to communicate abstract ideas. They will be expected to complete reading and written assignments independently on a weekly basis, as well as complete in-class assignments.

Students will study a variety of creative works including poetry, extracts from novels, film and music, and they will complete assignments in response to these creative works. Students will complete research projects and make regular presentations in French. Students will continue to increase their understanding and appreciation for the cultures of the Francophone world. Students will complete a major research assignment at the end of the course.

Students’ speaking, reading, writing and listening skills will be evaluated throughout the course and will form part of their course mark.

IB French (Grade 11 or 12)

This course takes place over one year. French (SL) provides students the opportunity to explore, in depth, the literary and cultural aspects of the French-speaking world including excerpts of notable works of literature. There will be a variety of topics covered from bias in the media, to the role and development of language in migration, to name just a few. Students will complete regular oral and written evaluations in the form of presentations, compositions, summaries, posters, blogs, letters, videos and audio recordings. French (SL) aims to provide an enriching and challenging environment for the enthusiastic language-learner.