International Students

Welcome to Parkland!

We can't wait to meet you! Please take time to check out all of our many course offerings before you complete your course selection form. We will do our best to fill your schedule with your first choices but this isn't always possible, so please be sure to request some alternative courses.

We hope the following information will make your course selection a little bit easier.

How many courses can I take?

Our schedule consists of four blocks (classes) per semester, with the option to take additional classes out of the time-table.

If you are staying for one semester or less

You will take four classes in the timetable. You are also welcome to take out of timetable classes.

If you are staying for two semesters

You will take eight classes in the timetable. You are also welcome to take out of timetable classes.

Don't forget to request some alternates in case your first choices aren't available. 

Out of Time-Table Courses

In addition to your in-timetable classes, you might be interested in classes offered before or after school, at lunch time or on weekends.

Planning to Graduate from Parkland?

If you are coming to British Columbia to graduate you will require the following courses, totaling 80 credits.  If applicable, we may be able to transfer credits from your current school.

Of these 80 credits:

You will also be required to write  Numeracy and Literacy assessments. 


Many of our academic courses are offered at different levels.  It is important that you select courses that are at the correct level for you.



Math is taught in many different ways, and at different levels, across the globe. It is important that you select a math class that is the right fit for you. You'll want a class that provides a good challenge, but is not too easy or too hard!


You have many choices for Science. 

Social Studies

Note: grade 11 students can select any of the grade 12 social studies. No pre-requisites required. 


Parkland offers a wide  array of fun and educational elective courses. There is something for everyone and we encourage you to try something new!

Explore all of our electives here.

A few notes that may be useful to you:

Academies & International Baccalaureate Program

Parkland is home to many exciting academies and programs.  Check out the following opportunities!

Sailing - many of our International students participate in our sailing academy! Semester one is a shorter season (before the weather turns) and provides opportunities for sailors of all abilities to get out on the ocean and experience our beautiful coast line while learning or practicing their sailing skills. Semester two is race season and includes opportunities for practice and racing. This is an out-of-timetable program. 

Judo - Parkland is proud to be home to the only high school Judo Academy in North America! Beginners to advanced athletes are welcome to join us on the mats.

Hockey - the Parkland Hockey Academy provides on-ice and strength training instruction. It is an in-timetable class that is offered in Semester 1.

Marine Institute  -  We take advantage of having the ocean in our backyard by offering a wide range of Marine studies including Sciences, Physical Education and Marine Repair and Restoration. 

International Baccalaureate - Parkland Secondary School is proud of its innovative, inspiring and inclusive learning environment that is further enhanced by the addition of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Parkland is the only English speaking public school on southern Vancouver Island that is offering the IB Diploma Program for students in their final two years of high school. The IB Diploma Program prepares students for participation in a rapidly evolving and increasingly global society as they develop intellectually, emotionally, physically and ethically while acquiring skills that will prepare them for further education and life in the 21st century. Universities across Canada and around the world regard the IB program as excellent preparation for university entrance. Parkland Secondary School is pleased to work with parents on transportation and accommodation requirements for those students who are not residents of the Peninsula or Victoria. For more information visit Parkland IB or IBO.