Career Life Education (CLE) 10

This course is required for graduation

Career Life 10 is a four credit course that endeavours to help students make a successful transition to life after high school. Careers, education and travel options are explored. As well, students will develop financial literacy skills that will help with this important transition. Students will participate in the P.A.R.T.Y. program at Victoria General Hospital and will participate in activities and workshops presented by guest speakers. It is recommended that students take this course in grade 10. 

Career Life Connections (CLC) A (Grade 11)

This course is required for graduation.

Career Life Connections A is a two credit course that is mandatory for Graduation. This is offered as a seminar course during school hours with eight classes over the year. This course is designed to be taken in a student’s Grade 11 year and will continue the work done in Career Life 10, with a specific focus on the mentorship and the work experience required to build towards the Capstone Project in Grade 12. Students will be required to follow a program that includes online work using MyBluePrint, regular scheduled meetings with a teacher advisor and attendance and involvement in various seminars & presentations.

Career Life Connections (CLC) B (Grade 12)

This course is required for graduation.

Career Life Connections B is the final two credit Careers course that is mandatory for Graduation. This course will be overseen by a teacher advisor who will help guide students in the completion of their final Capstone Project. All students will need to be prepared to present their completed Capstone projects near the end of their Grade 12 year.