Creative and Performing Arts

Parkland has a long history of providing exceptional creative and performing arts opportunities for students. Our Musical Theatre production in semester one involves up to 90 students in all aspects of the show and typically runs four nights of sold out shows. Parkland is a relatively small school which means that any student wishing to participate in performing and creative arts will find a place here. We offer:

Musical Theatre: A fabulous adventure for students who love to be on stage to sing, dance, and act. Four months of rehearsals result in a highly polished and resourced professional quality performance for the school and community.

Theatre Production 9-12: Students collaborate with the performers to produce the set for the musical production. Students form the technical and production crew for the major productions at Parkland.

Drama 9/10: Develop the fundamentals of acting through creative means. Experiment with pantomime, improvisation, playwriting, scene building, character development.

Acting 11/12: Explore vocal work, styles of acting, directing, auditioning, film and makeup. The semester culminates in a public performance.

Dance Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced 9-12: Courses are offered at every level and involve work in jazz, hip hop, contemporary, tap. There are opportunities for public performances throughout the semester as well as a semester end showcase.

Guitar 9-12: This is a Parkland specialty. Students at every level are encouraged to register. Coffee houses run every Friday and there are opportunities to perform at lunch hour concerts as well as at our annual talent show.

Concert Band 9-12: This course sustains and extends students' musical abilities and is part of a strong community of musical performers at Parkland. In addition, there are opportunities for numerous performances and special trips.

Jazz Band 9-12: Learn new styles, develop improvisation skills, and learn jazz theory basics. You will have lots of fun in this tight knit ensemble.

Musical Theatre Orchestra 10-12: Learn to play orchestra music for the Musical Theatre Production and experience a real life orchestra experience.

Vocal Music 9-12: Students will be given a variety of musical genres to learn from and be given many opportunities for performance.

Art 9/10: Art history, drawing, painting, clay, printmaking, graphic design are all components of this creative course.

Art 11/12: Students will produce images in a number of different artistic media and can explore their own art style in more depth.

Ceramics and Sculpture 11/12 and Drawing and Painting 11/12: Opportunities are provided to work in greater detail in these focus areas.