Getting Ready for Learning

  1. Keep a routine

Setting a routine will help you and your kids feel like there is still structure, especially in times like this when it seems like there is none. However, a routine is meant to be flexible. Don't get too hung up on a routine either. One day, your kids may want to spend all day exploring nature in your yard (life sciences), or spend the next week building a treehouse (that's STEM - science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Let them discover and love learning. Keep in mind that your family's routine will look different to any other family's and that's great. Do what works best for yours because no two families are the same.

2. Don't try to replicate school at home

Doing schoolwork at home does not take as long as a full school day. Classrooms have many kids and transition times, lunches, recess, etc, that takes up so much of the day. This is a great time to get to know more about how your child learns best.

3. Get outside if you can

Bike rides, hikes, playing in the yard, and letting your kids use their imaginations for long periods of time are so good for them and you! There have been so many studies that prove the benefits of children being outdoors and playing in the dirt.

4. Teach/Learn life skills

This is the perfect opportunity to start teaching your kids new life skills like: money management, gardening, cooking, chores.

5. Quiet time

It doesn't matter how old your kids are, everyone needs some quiet time. For my big kids, that means being in their room reading, working on hobbies or playing the guitar (with their headphones on). Younger children can work on crafts or playing alone. This gives parents time to get some work done without interruption. It's the secret to keeping your sanity.

6. Have fun

This is the perfect time to do fun science experiments, craft, cook, and play with your kids. We sometimes forget how much learning takes place just by living life and playing games. With how stressful the world is right now, it's important to remember to enjoy each other as much as possible.


You will need:

  • a quiet space

  • pencil & paper

  • your brain

Example of a possible routine for learning from home