The TR Band Experience
Dear Parents,
Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Traughber Junior High Band Program. Your decision to provide your child with a quality music experience is an investment in your child`s future. This page provides information, as well as answers, to many of the questions people have about the Traughber Band Program.
The Band Program
The Bands at Traughber Junior High School are part of a curricular music program.
6th Grade Beginning Band
The 6th Grade Band is a beginning band class with instruction beginning during the summer prior to the current school year. The beginning band will perform in four concerts throughout the year. They will also be required to prepare and perform a solo for the Oswego 6th Grade Solo Recital. The 6th-grade band class meets every day and is part of the student's daily academic routine at Traughber Junior High.
If a student in 7th or 8th grade who did not join the band in 6th grade desires to be in a band, that student must start with the beginning band students and will be placed in the 6th grade band for the school year.
A student moving into the Oswego school district with experience in band will perform an audition in order to determine proper placement in the band program.
Concert Band—2 semesters—Grade 7(675 Brass, 672 Percussion, 673 Woodwinds) -(click here for video) The Concert Band is a band class designed to provide students with an intermediate experience on band instruments. Concert Band is open to all 7th-grade students who have successfully completed Beginning Band or a similar course. In Concert Band, all of the skills and concepts learned in Beginning Band will be expanded upon, and the music selections will be of a higher difficulty level. Students are encouraged to participate in the summer band program (during the summer prior to the start of the 7th grade year). Student attendance at all performances and concerts is required to successfully complete the course. Students will have 1-3 required before-school rehearsals prior to each performance. The 7th Grade Concert Band will perform at four curricular school concerts, the Dist #308 Fine Arts Festival, one regional festival, a spring trip, and the solo recital. Select students will also have the opportunity to audition for the ILMEA District IX Festival Concert Band, ILMEA District IX Jazz Band, and the All-Illinois Junior Band. Any students who did not participate in the 6th grade band should contact the band directors for more information and instrument placement.
Symphonic Band—2 Semesters-Grade 8 (685 Brass, 682 Percussion, 683 Woodwinds)- (click here for video)
The Symphonic Band is a band class designed to provide students with an advanced experience on band instruments. Symphonic Band is open to all eighth-grade students in their third year of instruction who have successfully completed Concert Band or a similar course. In Symphonic Band, all the skills and concepts learned in Concert Band will be expanded upon. Students will be working on skills that will prepare them for a successful transfer to the high school band program and beyond. Students are encouraged to participate in the summer band program (during the summer prior to the start of the 8th grade year). Student attendance at all performances and concerts is required to successfully complete the course. Students will have 1-3 required after-school rehearsals prior to each performance. The 8th Grade Symphonic Band will perform at four curricular school concerts, the Dist #308 Fine Arts Festival, two regional festivals, a spring trip, the solo recital, and several events sponsored by the high school band. Select students will also have the opportunity to audition for the ILMEA District IX Festival Concert Band, ILMEA District IX Jazz Band, and the All-Illinois Junior Band.
Full Band Rehearsals
All Band members will need to attend full band rehearsals prior to each concert for the purpose of rehearsing musical elements related to the coordination of the different sections of the band. Full Band Rehearsals will be held before or after school.
Program Honors
The Traughber Band extends sincere thanks and gratitude to the following people who have worked with the band and contributed to the success of our students and band program.
Dr. Harry Begian (Univ of Illinois, retired)
Mr. Kenneth G. Bloomquist (Michigan State University Director of Bands Emeritus)
Dr. David Gillingham (Central Michigan University)
Dr. Larry Stoffel (CSU Northridge)
Dr. Deb Confredo (Temple University)
Dr. Ryan Hourigan (Ball St. University)
Dr. Ken Thompson (Bowling Green St.)
Dr. Larry Van Oyen (North Central Coll., Naperville)
Dr. Dale Lonis (Elgin Symphony Orchestra)
Dr. Joe Manfredo (Univ. of Illinois)
Mr. Don DeRoche (DePaul University)
Mr. Douglas Akey (Mesa Academy for Advanced Studies, AZ)
Mr. Dan Farris (Northwestern University)
Mr. Tom Brawner (Scott Co. Kentucky)
Mr. Brian Wis (Retired, St. Charles North H.S.)
Mr. Jim Stombres (Retired, St. Charles North H.S.)
Mr. Bill Jastrow (Retired, Neuqua Valley H. S.)
Mr. Ross Kellen (Glenbard East H.S. retired, Elmhurst College)
Mr. Pete Pappas (Glenbrook South H.S. retired)
Mrs. Margene Pappas (Oswego H.S. retired)
Mr. Don Shupe (Libertyville H.S. retired)
Mr. Keith Ozsvath (Rotollo Middle School)
Mr. John Thomson (Libertyville H.S. retired)
Mr. John Timmins (Crone M.S.)
Dr. Pete Griffin (Elmhurst University)
Mr. Dan Valkema (Plainfield Central H.S.)
Dr. James Hile (Elmhurst University)
Mr. Chip Staley (Nequa Valley H.S. retired)
Dr. Tim Yontz (Wheaton College)
Ms. Emily Binder (Nequa Valley H.S.)
Ms. Judy Grimes (Elmhurst College, retired)
Mr. Randy Sundell (Vernon Hills H.S.)
Ms. Stacey Dolan Larson (VanderCook College of Music)
Mr. Mike Fisk (Joliet Central H.S., retired)
Mr. Wayne Gordon (Wood Oaks Middle School)
Mrs. Lila Fagan (West Aurora-Retired)
Mr. Kurt Gross (Warren HS)
Ms. Wendy Higdon (Creekside MS, Carmel, IN)
Mr. Don Stinson (Joliet Central HS)
Performance Honors:
University of Illinois Superstate Concert Band Festival
Prairie State MS Concert Band Festival-A Music for All Regional Affiliate Festival
Plainfield Invitational Band Festival
IGSMA State Contest
IMEC (Illinois Music Educator`s Association) State Convention
American School Band Director's Association National Convention
The Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic
Commission and World Premier of the John Mackey composition, Sheltering Sky
Commission and World Premier of the Donald Grantham composition, Sol y' Sombra
Commission and World Premier of the Scott McAllister composition, Atmospheres
Commission and World Premier of the Julie Giroux composition, Our Cast Aways
Commission and World Premier of the David Biedenbender composition, Dream of Ember, Dream of Star
Commission and World Premier of the JaRod Hall composition, Black Star Alpha
The Traughber Band has visited:
Northern Illinois University
Northwestern University
DePaul University
Illinois State University
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra's Orchestra Hall
VanderCook College of Music