Concerts & Performances

Curricular School Concerts

2023-24 Traughber Band Calendar

2024-25 Traughber Band Performance Calendar (as of March 13, 2024)

Concerts and performances are public presentations of units of study and are authentic artistic experience.  Performances are assigned 600 points each and are assessment opportunities for students to demonstrate combined mastery of all concepts studied throughout the year.  Any conflicts with performance dates must be communicated 10 business days before students receive an alternate performance-based assignment.

Students who experience a serious emergency, or illness or have made advance arrangements (minimum of 10 business/school attendance days) for a planned absence will be given the opportunity to complete a performance-based alternate assignment. The average of the points received on the assignment will be used for the performance grade. Students who have not made advance arrangements for a planned absence and miss a performance will not be given the opportunity to complete a performance-based alternate assignment.

~Performances are a required part of participation in the Band Program and are graded events.

~Students should always arrive in full uniform: Black pants, all black shoes, black socks, band shirt tucked in, appropriate and coordinated jewelry, hair accessories and nails.

~Any conflicts with performance dates must be communicated 10 business/school attendance days in advance for the student to receive an alternate assignment.

~Emergencies and illnesses must be communicated to Mrs. Maxwell immediately.