The Shine Media Awards

Hats off to the ‘Stationery Store’ Team

The ‘Stationery Store’ is a radio soap opera, which has been written and performed by a group of SCWA students. It has been in development since before lockdown #2 and reflects the life and times of young people in these strange days. So far, students have managed to be reluctant babysitters at the park, reluctant shoppers at the supermarket, but they did ‘happen’ to bump into each other at the local shop. One episode, ‘The Park’, was recorded during lockdown where students recorded parts in their own homes with their voices being edited at a later date. We hope all this is behind us and we can go from strength to strength. The team is currently working on a trip to the zoo.

It was thanks to their brilliant bright ideas, their ability to work together and the wit and dedication of the team that made these episodes shine out. The Shine Awards are run by The Stationers’ Company to recognise media excellence and student achievement. The ‘Stationery Store’ was entered for the best audio category and a panel of industry professionals, including Radio 4’s Peter Day who thought enough of the product to highly commend the ‘Stationery Store’ as runner-up. This is just the boost we need to power us to new heights next year.

Congratulations to Idrees, Dovas, Zakk, Layla, Natalia and Avni - ice creams all round I’d say.

Mr Milliken

To read The Stationers' Company full interview with Mr Milliken and listen to the Podcast please click the Stationers' Company logo below.

Left to right Idrees, Dovas, Zakk, Layla, Natalia and Avni