Jack Petchey Awards

Jack Petchey Speak Up

Over the last two weeks we have had the fantastic opportunity for our students to take part in the Jack Petchey ‘Speak Up, Speak Out!’ workshops. Year 10 students from all three small schools have engaged brilliantly and delivered some memorable and captivating speeches!

Ms Z. Knight supported the Ashdown School session and writes:

On Tuesday, 16 November, 30 eager Ashdown School students from Year 10 were invited to be involved in the ‘Jack Petchey Speak up!’ workshop. They had the opportunity to be trained by an expert coach in the skills of oracy and public speaking which culminated in them having a platform to practise delivering a speech, on a topic of their choice, to their peers, myself and the expert presenter. Their chosen topics ranged from their cultural heritage to issues that face the world today, exemplifying the diversity represented by our small school. I was delighted to see them so engaged and taking full advantage of this moment to shine.

As with all competitions, there were six finalists who were selected to go on to the next stage and they are to be congratulated on their triumph. The finalists were:Janaii C, Colin M, Ria G, Junior C, Holly C and Mona W.

There were also two highly commended students who were: Carly R and Jason I.

Well done to all the students that participated.

Jack Petchey Achievement Award Winners

Jack Petchey Achievement Award winners are young people who have gone above and beyond to achieve. This term four students at the Academy received this award. The winners received commendations alongside £250 to spend on their chosen area.

Urte A, year 7 Sherwood School student received the award for the amazing support she gave her peer group during transmission time at Stationers' Crown Woods Academy - Urte plans to to use her money to visit London Aquarium with some or the students she has supported

Natalia NB, year 8 Delemare School student received the award for her particularly passionate for the environment and for the way she champions this cause within the academy community. She is always look at ways to engage her peers through tutor sessions and formulating practical solutions and proactive behaviours to help make the world a more sustainable place. - Natalia plans to use her money to bring Zoolab into school to have first hand experience of uk wide animal handling experience with some of her peers

Ruby Ann BY, year 10 Ashdown School student received her award for her outstanding dance leadership skills and her dedication to coaching of primary school children in the local community. Ruby plans to use her money to attend the theatre with fellow Dance Leaders.

Mukaram O, year 13 Arden Sixth Form student regularly gives up his own time to assist staff in the delivery of KS3 Football training sessions. Mukaram also gives up a large chunk of his time to help on game days for Year 8 and 9 boys and girls football matches. Assisting with coaching and referring. Mukaram is currently deciding where best to spend his prize fund.

The Jack Petchey Foundation

The Jack Petchey Foundation was set up by Sir Jack Petchey CBE to inspire and celebrate young people. Since 1999, over £133 million has been invested in programmes to benefit young people aged 11-25 across London and Essex. The Foundation support many programmes, from sport to science, art to internships to volunteering. They encourage every young person to get involved and try something new.

Their major programme is the Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme, which is run in 1,600 youth clubs, youth organisations and secondary schools across London and Essex. The other programmes they run include Jack Petchey’s “Speak Out” Challenge!, the world’s largest public speaking competition for young people; and Step into Dance, the UK’s biggest inclusive dance programme for secondary school students.

The academy is proud to announce that over 110 students took part in the “Speak Out” Challenge

The process of selecting the student that will represent SCWA at the Borough finals is a rigorous process carried out by the academy's Head Boys and Head Girls from all three home schools.

Winner - Helena

Runner up - Nathan

Finalist - Sadie, Sophie, Keira and Freya

Well done to all the students that participate!

Student Grant Winner

Melissa faced a difficult year, losing someone close to her. Through these challenging times she has continued to support all those around her whilst studying hard both virtually and in person. Melissa has kept moving forward firstly by raising money for Ellenor Nurses a service close to her heart, as well as becoming a peer mentor.

A true inspiration. Melissa has decided to use her sponsor money to buy play equipment for the children's Cancer ward at London University City Hospital

Jack Petchey Leaders Award

Congratulations to Ms Chisnell, one of our amazing team of Learning Support Assistants . Ms Chisnell was nominated for her work within the Academy assisting and supporting students.

Ms Chisnell's proposal to the Jack Petchey Foundation:

I would like to use the money donated by the Jack Petchey foundation to benefit the students at Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy. Specifically the young people that I work within the school’s learning support department. Firstly, we would like to create a garden/vegetable patch for the students to grow their own vegetables on. To do this we will need to purchase some gardening tools, seeds and compost. Gardening will provide them with a life skill, help them to learn where their food comes from and also will be a therapeutic activity for some of our children with Autism. They will also be able to practice their cooking skills with the produce that they grow. Secondly, I would like to purchase some play therapy equipment as I am qualified to deliver play therapy but do not have the correct equipment that is needed. Play therapy is a form of counselling. It is a method of meeting and responding to the mental health needs of children. It can be used to help children with anxiety, mental health needs and also traumatised children. Children can express themselves and their feelings through play and art and ultimately heal themselves. I feel that many of our children with special needs will benefit from this service that I can provide, especially as I am seeing lots of after effects from the pandemic. This will enable me to support the mental health needs of not only the children that I work with but every child who needs this provision in the school.

As you can see from the heartfelt messages below the students were delighted.

Dear Ms Chisnell

“Thank you for giving money from the Jack Petchey award to buy garden equipment, we bought forks, spades and fertiliser. We planted vegetables and sunflower seeds in the DSP garden and I enjoyed planting. I hope you come when everything grows”. Daniel

“Thank you for the money to buy gardening equipment for forks and spades. I watered the plants and I really enjoyed being outside with my friends. My favourite equipment which is the spade it made gardening special”. Praise

“Thank you for the gardening equipment that you bought. We have used spades, forks in the garden planting seeds I have been digging in the DSP garden and watering plants. I hope you will come and see our garden soon”. Korby

“Thank you for giving the DSP your Jack Petchey award money. We have bought gardening equipment - spades and forks and fertiliser. I have been digging in the DSP garden and planting seeds. I have enjoyed being outside with my friends”. Jodie

“Thank you very much for the gardening equipment. We appreciate the spades to dig up dirt and fertiliser to put in the ground and thank you for the money. Without you we would not be able to garden. We really enjoyed planting and watering our plants”. “Very thankful from the bottom of our hearts”. Memphis

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to buy some gardening equipment. We have been able to dig the garden and I also water the plants. I really liked being outside with my friends and my favourite gardening tools are the spade and fork. I hope you will come to look at sunflower seeds that I planted for. It was a really good experience”. Samuel