Lego Animation Project

Lego Animation Film Project

Using the film making facilities within the Academy's Digital Media Centre; the media and film studies department in collaboration with Symphony produced 'Detective Film' a short Animation. The students learned how to use a camera and how to produce stop animation with Lego. It was a very successful session, which has inspired one of the students to look further into film making.

"Animations that have a cognitive purpose can facilitate learning because they provide more and different information than static graphics. They have the potential to help a learner build a more accurate mental model of a system’s behaviour compared to graphics alone (Schnotz and Rasch, 2005).

There are many functions that animation can fulfil, such as: explaining a dynamic process, visualising things what cannot be seen with the naked eye, simulating a system, making abstract concepts more concrete (such as with visual metaphors), visualising quantitative data, improving one’s spatial abilities, depicting hosts and agents that explain, telling a story, creating a learning game or elements in a game and constructing knowledge in mathematics.

Well done to Jack, Rakan and Toby!