Photography in the Spotlight

Photography Trip

The Year 12 and 13 photography students and I visited London to experience location shoots and gallery visits. We visited St. Dunstan in the East, Westminster Cathedral and Tate Britain. We walked for the majority of the trip which meant all students could choose their shots and find inspiration based on their chosen topics. It was fantastic to see such enthusiasm and collaboration from all students who took over 500 photographs each by the end of the day.

After the location photoshoots we visited Tate Britain to see the exhibition by Heather Phillipson. Her work included fluorescent lighting, reflections, vibrant screens and sound which juxtaposed beautifully with the traditional architecture. We then took the time to look at some of the permanent collection and spent time discussing the work of Mark Rothko. It was fascinating to hear them at first discuss how they thought the work was meaningless and then debate and begin to understand the energy, story and sadness of these paintings.

The students gained so much from the shoots and visiting live work. We will be completing more location shoots and students have found many more exhibitions that they would like to attend.

Emily M, own response to the theme of hidden identity

Marianna K, installation piece based on landscape

Cameron S, darkroom response to presence of life

Harvey J, response to William Edgerton

Elsie R, Own response to the story of Uzumaki

Leanne T, own response to the theme of people's shattered and broken perspective of the environment

Lara M, response to the theme of still life photography

Abigail S, students own response to Michal Zahornacky