Social Sciences: Careers In the Curriculum 


Students in Psychology have taken part in a termly project which is focused on topics outside of the specification. Pupils are required to present a topic on Post-traumatic stress disorder or Dissociative identity disorder to other pupils in the academy. A large part of this project focuses on the careers of psychology. Pupils are required to find information on different careers related to the diagnosis above and research what qualifications they need in order to do that job. This task enables students to find out all the career opportunities out there in relation to different mental health disorders but most importantly how those psychologists improve the lives of their patients. Examples of student work below:


Sixth Form students had a virtual presentation by Sally Mann from the University of Greenwich Sociology Department. During the presentation students were introduced to some of the varying topics and issues studied at the university and Mrs Mann helped really highlight the life of a social researcher with her explanation of her own research 'Parklife: Stories and Spaces in Lockdown' which has been published in the European Journal of Homelessness.

KS4 students in Sociology have been looking at the Criminal Justice System and the associated roles. This focused on the legal system and by particularly focusing on the life of a lawyer. The class watched a series of video-diaries to better understand the pressures of the job particularly as strike action is currently in place. 

Health and Social Care

Health and Social care Yr 12  students were given a task to research the careers they were interested in pursuing in the future. They were asked to produce a presentation on their chosen careers and the different pathways to these professions as well as the skills which are necessary to progress onto these careers. Each student will present their career choices in the lesson.


Year 13 students have been introduced to the House of Commons apprenticeship opportunities following their visit last academic year. In advance of the US midterm elections they had a video call from a Human Rights advocate based in California in which they discussed the campaigns, voting demographics and the US electoral system. This opportunity enhanced their real world understanding of the application of the theoretical aspects of the US system of Government and Politics.


Year 12 performed a Plea in Mitigation where the students were given a set of case facts for the defendant. Submissions are made on behalf of the Defendants as part of the sentencing process,  where the students present the evidence  which they rely on to mitigate their role or involvement in the offence or their personal circumstances so that the judge can take this into account in sentencing. The class was split into groups where each group had a prosecution Barrister and a Defence Barrister, and a Judge. The prosecution Barrister had to argue the evidence that were aggravating to the offence and ask the judge to consider the factors that aggravated the offence , this is more likely to lead a more severe sentence, as it relates to the case facts and the defence barrister had to argue the evidence that was mitigating to the offence, this is more likely to end in a more lenient sentence as it relates to the offence. The task of the judge is to consider the factors from both sides and give  the appropriate sentence as it fits the crime.