Business & IT/Computer Science: Careers In the Curriculum

Trip to the Royal Academy of Economists - Annual Economist Monetary Conference 

Year 13 students attended this superb event in the October half term.  This is a prestigious event held one a year in Pall Mall and is delivered by the ex Economist of Citibank and a senior Economist minister. The talk is held for Economists in the city and open for y13 Economics students wishing to read outside the subject and network with Economists. The topic was not a light hearted one- ‘combating inflation for 2024 with a chance to network with professionals from the BoE and also the MPC’.   Well done Lily and Connor in Y13 Economics for attending and staying on board with the technical stuff!

"The overall experience was really insightful,  in fact what I enjoyed most was the atmosphere. Being surrounded by professionals that work all across the banking industry really was inspiring as everywhere you look, there was an expert in a particular field. Albeit fascinating, it was very intimidating as this sort of intellectual/professional environment was new to me and I felt out of my depth.  I decided to put myself out there and spoke with several professionals, one of which was a top economist and we spoke about the seminar and then spoke about finance more generally and the best ways to climb the ranks etc... I'm glad I went, it was the most memorable extracurricular school event I've done and I think there should be more like it offered to students that really push them out there comfort zones and develop those soft skills that aren't so much exercised

at school."  Connor, Year 13

"During the half-term, I attended a conference concerned with the topic of inflation and how different countries around the world are tackling and combating the everlasting issue of soaring inflation. At first, I felt overwhelmed being in a room which felt like it was filled with people who had better knowledge and experience than myself, but I soon settled in when I realised everyone was once in my same position. The lecture itself was very informative and gave me a wider insight into how other nations and banks handle economic uncertainty. Overall, I am pleased that I attended, it was something I had never thought of going to before and I believe more opportunities to network and enhance understanding of a subject should be encouraged. It has given me a real sense of confidence in my abilities"  Lilly, Year 13

Trip to the Bank of England

Students were given the history of the Bank of England as well as getting to hold the infamous gold bar.  Students were given a talk by a senior Economist who delivered an informative Q and A of the role of banks borrowing and lending money and how the finance crash took place. This was perfect talk as the students had finished learning about the MPC and how inflation works in the UK economy

Economics Talk hosted by the Bank of England

This talk was delivered by a junior Economist who gave insight into what the Bank of England does in practice as well as what a young economist's day to day looks like from graduate scheme to Year 2 placements. The students were surprised the Economist was so dressed down in the workplace! The students were able to network and find out more about apprenticeships and graduate routes into the work.

Recruitment and Selection Event:  BTEC Business 

Recruitment and Selection process: 

1: Research suitable job roles/career pathway that is of interest.  

2:  Complete application process for the selected job role.

3: Participate in the interview and selection process for the selected job role.

4: Evaluate performance and make recommendations for improvements. 

Student’s feedback 

‘Preparation is important to do well in an interview, I was able to answer all the questions effectively because I knew details of the company and the Job.’ HB

‘I really enjoyed this experience.  All the theoretical skills that I have learned, I was  able to put into practice.’ EW

‘I felt I showed good interview etiquette during the process, I will remember to take this with me when I apply for jobs in the future.’ JW

Accounting and Economics

Professional feedback from a financial investor to the Year 12-13 students. This allowed the students to receive first hand feedback  on their budget sheets from an investor.

FT Economics in schools - This was a live stream from the FT economics dept who delivered a two hour session on how schools can integrate topical conversations.

Keynote Speaker with a Business Lawyer

We had an exciting talk delivered by a city lawyer Hannah Macdonald who spoke to our Y12 and Y13 Economics and business students about the career journey into business law. The students were given case studies around the types of roles that lawyers can do within the business world and the type of secret contracts that are drafted before companies go onto the stock market. The students were then given an interactive QnA and left excited to explore the routes into law that do not necessarily end up only in the courtroom.

Economics Talk hosted by the Bank of England

This talk was delivered by a junior Economist who gave insight into what the Bank of England does in practice as well as what a young economist's day to day looks like from graduate scheme to Year 2 placements. The students were surprised the Economist was so dressed down in the workplace! The students were able to network and find out more about apprenticeships and graduate routes into the work.