Careers Programme 

Careers In Tutor Time

This academic year we have advanced the tutor provision for careers so that all students are following the CDI framework.  The CDI framework, created by the Careers and Enterprise Company, aligns with the all important Gatsby Benchmarks and aims to provide students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills to fully prepare students for their journey through life, learning and work.  It allows students to engage with the bigger picture and prepares students to successfully manage the reality of what is to come, over the long term.  Students have been involved in age appropriate activities such as learning about all important Labour Market Information which helps to break down the complex ‘world of work’– ranging from descriptions of different careers, their entry routes, promotional prospects, salaries paid, skills and qualifications needed, etc. Crucially for young people, LMI also covers future demand – what kinds of jobs will be in demand after leaving school and what kinds of skills will be needed.the law when it comes to discrimination in the workplace,  In addition to this students have learnt about the law when it comes to discrimination in the workplace, linear and non-linear career pathways, transferable skills, entrepreneurial skills, work experience and all important Post 14, 16 and 18 destination routes.  In addition to this, SCWA has been organising for key speakers to come in to talk to students about their careers and to offer students advice on navigating their future career pathways


All students at SCWA also have a unifrog account.  Unifrog is the complete destination platform and has an incredible amount of information available to students on career pathways and Post 14, 16 and 18 destinations.  Students can research Labour Market Information about careers they are interested in to ensure they are fully informed about their choices, complete tasks around the subjects that they are currently studying or interested in via the ‘Read, Watch. Listen’ section and for more guidance on career related aspects such as personal statements, interviews and studying abroad students can go to the ‘know how’ section.  

Students in Year 10-13 can also access the weekly careers newsletter for SCWA via the unifrog platform.  The newsletter includes Labour Market Information, University and Career weekly spotlights and a wealth of opportunities that are currently available for students to sign up to to extend their knowledge and skills.  Please can parents/carers encourage their children to use the platform and sign up to opportunities found in the weekly newsletter?