
Gelaro Freshman Field Trip to USD 11/28/17

During the field trip at USD, our class enjoyed the beauty of all the nature around us and the small classes. We loved how we got to see all the different churches and how the dormitories are separated. However, everyone in the same dorm had the same classes which was really cool. Also, it was cool to find out that there are over 200 clubs to join, and if there isn’t a club you are interested in, you may create your own club with others. In fact, I was really interested in the business programs because they gave many internships to the students that graduated with that degree.

Compared to other colleges in San Diego, such as UCSD and SDSU, I heard the population was really small. This really affected me because it got me thinking about how the professors would actually know my name and I would be able to have a strong connection with the professors. Also USD opened a new pathway for me about going to college since there are many different interesting facts about the college itself. In fact the library had about one million books and they could be used in the courses the students are taking or for just reading for pleasure. Moreover, I liked how if you lived there you are served different choices of food everyday.

At USD, the tuition is expensive compared to other schools. This is because USD is a private university and does not receive funding from the government. But, this is also why the class sizes are smaller and the school is religious. Because it is a Catholic school, religious studies are required in order to graduate. Also students can have work studies and get paid. In fact, some of the work studies at USD allow you to do your homework while working.

Maan Saliwa