Curriculum Overview

Library and Fab Lab Curriculum Overview

Our school’s library performs many roles in our community. Its repertoire ranges from the more traditional acts, as a place where a pursuit of knowledge, and literacy skills/interests are supported, to  more trailblazing goals such as serving as a hub for ideation, creation and invention. Most importantly, we strive for the library to be a safe and welcoming place for all our students. 

Traditionally, the mission of school libraries is to teach students research skills and to provide students with access to independent reading materials.  Those goals have not changed. At 276, students have access to a well-rounded and continuously updated collection of literature and nonfiction texts for young people including physical book collection as well as extensive ebook and audiobook catalog through Sora’s platform.  Students learn how libraries are organized so that they can independently find books that engage them, and they learn how to locate print and digital information for research.  Our library has access to numerous databases through the New York Public Library and through New York State. Students are taught how to use these databases and how to determine validity of resources they find.  Links to the databases are available through our library website

Library Programs:

Fab Lab

We work diligently to create a 21st century learning environment.  In Fab Lab, students are able to exercise their skills as competent, capable, caring and curious community members. Our school’s mission  focuses on preparing lifelong learners to engage in the work of creating a new paradigm for an increasingly inclusive and sustainable world. This goal deeply resonates throughout the Fab Lab curriculum. Here, learning focuses on the needs of communities, small and large, by following the Design Thinking Process in all the projects. Through the process, learners develop intrinsic strengths such as confidence in dealing with complexity and open-ended problems, attention to details, persistence in working with difficult problems, tolerance for ambiguity, independence of thought and decision making, and ability to work and communicate with others to achieve a common goal or solution. Students acquire and apply academic skills while collaborating on creating real-life solutions.

Fab Lab Curriculum

The following are examples of some of the work students engage in Fab Lab:

Standards Covered by the Library and Fab Lab Programs 

Our programs are grounded in the NYC School Library Standards (IFC) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards.  Both sets of these standards are based on fostering inquiry, knowledge seeking and creating, design thinking, and social responsibility. 


Empire State Information Fluency Continuum Framework (NYC School Library Standards)

ISTE Standards for Students

Designed to empower student voice and ensure that learning is a student-driven process

And, Other Programs ...

Our library offers many additional enriching activities.  Many of them exist thanks to a dedicated team of volunteers. During recess, students participate in clubs, scavenger hunts, and reading challenges. They read books, play board games, and tinker in makerspace. There are over 10,000 student visits to the library during recess each year.

Here is a list of some of the additional activities and programs available at the library: 

