BPC School Library

276 Library Mission

If we look closely at the natural world, we see there is no one way of being. Diversity is not only beautiful and inspiring, but it is also necessary. It is necessary in the natural world as well as in the human-made world. Not only it is essential to our and the planet’s physical health, but it is also essential for healthy minds and societies. If we believe there is only one right way to be, think, look, love, or solve problems, we create unjust societies, prejudice, and inequality. By keeping our minds open, flexible, and inquisitive, we see a world of possibilities, we see the world as it is, and at the same time, we allow others to fully access these possibilities.

In the library, we seek views, perspectives, knowledge, understandings, emotions, and realities of the world. In the space for our makers, we seek knowledge, experiences, understandings, skills, problems, and solutions that undermine the idea that there is only one way to make something, one way of thinking about a problem or solution. We embrace the ambiguity and complexity of our world with ingenuity and boldness.

As we acquire knowledge, skills, and new understandings through the library programs, our minds are more flexible and ready for the discomfort and work required to see the world as it is, and to live joyfully within it as just, creative, and problem-solving human beings.

Basia Tov | she/her


PS/IS 276 Battery Park City School

Masters in Library and Information Science

Masters in Early Childhood General and Special Education


Sora continues to be an amazing source of great free reads! Its collection keeps on growing. There are thousands of titles from just for fun to texts that support your learning in class. You can also borrow and read NYPL ebooks and audiobooks on the Sora app. All in one place!

To install and set up Sora on your device follow these Sora installation instructions. To log in, use your DOE account (DOE password reset).

How to use Sora Video

Sora's Here! Check it out!

Maker Faire 2024

Art & Writing Show 2024

The public library card drive that took place in our school's library on Thursday, June 13, was a great success. 

50 students and staff members (mostly students) opened NYPL accounts and received the library cards.

20 more to-be-patrons received information about how to sign up for the card.

I am grateful for all the teachers who helped students fill out the application and allowed them to visit the library during their class time.

In case you want to revisit the information shared during 5-8 grade library orientations, click on link above. For a PDF version of the slides follow this link - Slides from the Library Orientation PDF (2023-2024)

Go to Research for links to databases with amazing resources. This is an additional source for academic information that you can rely on while completing your assignments for ELA, SS, Math, Science, ...

How to reach Ms. Basia and news about the library and Fab Lab programs:

(a private account only for parents and school's staff, needs my approval to be viewed and followed - make sure to check Instagram messages to respond to my security questions)

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Help out!  Donate to the library from its Amazon wishlist!

Library's Amazon Wishlist

The "Me I Choose to Be" Tree. It is covered with strips made by students expressing their identity.

The Me I Choose To Be


All students at PS/IS 276 were invited to participate in this art installation project that is a result of a collaboration between the art teachers, Amanda Capalbo & Rachel Sharpstein, and the librarian, Basia Tov.  

Read the project statement and view more photos (PDF document)