The following document guides you through the kindergarten orientation process.

This flow chart was designed to help office staff organize communication with families.

Kindergarten Orientation School Slide Deck Template

Kindergarten Orientation School Template

Schools have been provided with a slide deck template that can be used to support families during the orientation session. This slide deck can then be shared with families to support them and their child(ren) as they prepare for school entry in September. 

Schools are required to add the necessary information to the slide deck to customize the content for their school community. When you click on the link you will be forced to make a copy of the template. Once the copy has been made it is yours and is ready to customize. 

In addition to the slide deck, a template has been created in document format to ensure families can easily access the information presented in the slide deck in their first language. After you have customized the content for the school orientation slide deck you must update the images and content in the document to reflect the slide deck. Please note synchronous sessions are not mandatory. 

*Director Dance's welcome video is NOW AVAILABLE.  If your school has already created their slide deck, please copy the slide and paste it into your working copy.

**Video replay settings should be set to 1080p.

Link to school template  

Resources to Support In Person Orientation Sessions

These resources are designed to highlight the four frames of the Kindergarten Program and provide families with engaging ideas that can be used at home to promote healthy child development. Schools should welcome families by creating a calm environment in which to explore by moving from activity to activity. Schools should also consider setting up the stations in Kindergarten classrooms so that families become familiar with the school and the classroom environment with an opportunity to engage with Kindergarten educators. Schools should engage our community partners by inviting them to facilitate sessions at the orientation. 

Kindergarten Orientation Bags- Family Version

Kindergarten Orientation Sessions are essential in welcoming our newest  families into the Simcoe County District School Board. The board expects that schools work towards creating a welcoming and enjoyable kindergarten orientation experience for our newest learners and their families by:

Kindergarten Orientation Stations:

These free-flow stations are designed to support the four frames of the Kindergarten Program, 2016, and provide caregivers with hands-on ideas they can use at home to promote healthy child development. Families should be welcomed to explore the materials at their own pace moving from activity to activity at their leisure.

Creation Station


The creation station is a collection of open materials that students can use to explore and make an art piece of their very own to take home.

Suggested Materials:

Suggested Conversations / Program Links:

Children communicate their thinking and ideas in many different ways.

Allow your child to use these materials at home, teaching them how to use the materials safely.

Praise and celebrate your child’s creations.

Letters and Numbers


Find space and set up baking sheets, magnetic letters and numbers. Add books about letters and/or alphabet and number cards. Add paper and markers to encourage students to represent the letters and numbers of their choosing.

Suggested Materials:

Suggested Conversations / Program Links:

Playing with letters and numbers supports the development of:

Look for numbers that are important to your child.  Match numbers to objects.

Divide up letters by their characteristics.

Loose Parts


Set-up space where 4-6 students could play.  Define a play-space for each student using a tray, mat, frame, paper etc. Arrange a small amount of each of the loose parts in separate containers on the table. 

Suggested Materials:

Suggested Conversations / Program Links

Playing with loose parts supports the development of:

Healthy Eating


This could be an activity that is set up as a station in one of the classrooms. 

Play Healthy Eating Video

Suggested Materials:

Suggested Conversations / Program Links:

Children learn best when they are well-rested and healthy.

Choose containers that your child can open and close independently.

Pack lunches with your child to support them in becoming good decision-makers.



Find a space to set up a play-dough table.

Add play-dough 

Add tools

Suggested Materials:

Suggested Conversations / Program Links:

Playing with play-dough supports the development of:

Book Station


The books station can be set up on a carpeted area.

Choose a book to read aloud to the students.  

Suggested Materials:

Suggested Conversations / Program Links

Set a time of day for reading, and make it part of your routine.

Look at the pictures and talk about the story that is being read.

Make connections to things that you have experienced together.

Have fun!

Outdoor Learning


Outdoor learning is a huge part of the kindergarten program. Taking students and families outside is a great way for us to prepare them for daily outdoor play. Play Healthy Eating Video

Suggested Materials:

Suggested Conversations / Program Links:

Block Play


Find a space to set up the materials in an inviting way. 

Suggested Materials:

Suggested Conversations / Program Links:

Picture Taking Station


Set up a backdrop for a photo station and use the opportunity to take pictures of your new students before the school!  

Suggested Materials:

Kindergarten Orientation - Station Ideas

These posters have been designed to help empower families by understanding the foundation of the Four frames and the interconnection between learning in each of the frames. They should be clearly displayed in each of the station areas.