This tool is linked to The Kindergarten Program through providing space to reflect on pedagogical approach, what it looks like for students and educators, a reflective space for where educators are at, and allows for them to record their immediate and long term actions in the implementation of The Kindergarten Program 2016.

This visual helps us understand Kindergarten team members have complementary skills that create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment to support the unique needs of each child.

This resource provides visual sample structures of 100 Minute Blocks. Comprised of large chunks of time, as outlined in The Kindergarten Program Document, this visual shows the lens of what students are doing and how each educator can support during these times. 

Through an Admin Lens 

This visual covers Making Learning Visible, Supporting Intentional Play Based Learning and Supporting Educator Teams 

Why this learning for this child at this time? 

This Look For poster goes over Making Learning Visible, Flow of the Day, The Classroom Environment and Play and Inquiry Based Learning. 

Copy of Administrarion checklist - team support (1).pdf